As Brody’s lips trail down my neck, I allow myself to get lost in the sensation. To forget about the expectations and obligations waiting for me outside this room. Right now, there’s only this. Only us. Savannah and Brody.
Two people finding solace, finding connection, in each other’s arms.
Chapter Seven
The smellof bacon and coffee hits me as I push open the kitchen door. It’s Sunday morning, and my family’s weekly brunch is in full swing. Before I can even sit down, a little tornado with pigtails comes barreling toward me.
“Uncle Brody!” Maisey squeals and latches onto my legs.
I scoop her up, my arms easily encircling her tiny frame. “Hey, munchkin. How was your sleepover with your ballet friends?”
Maisey giggles, her gap-toothed grin infectious. “It was so fun, Uncle Brody! We practiced our dance moves and talked about the recital!”
“Sounds like you had a blast.” I ruffle her hair. “Is the recital coming up soon?”
“Uh-huh! And guess what? Daddy’s a Tutu Trooper now!”
This catches my attention. “A Tutu Trooper, huh? What’s that?”
“It’s when the parents help at ballet class.” She turns to Luke. “Right, Daddy?”
Luke clears his throat, still focused on the pancakes. “Right, sweetheart.”
“It was supposed to be just for moms, but then my teacher Ms. Jasmyn said Daddy could be one too!”
I raise an eyebrow, intrigued. “Is that so?”
“Yeah! Daddy’s the only dad, but she let him join anyway. He volunteered really fast when Ms. Jasmyn asked!”
Luke’s ears turn red. “They just needed help. That’s all.”
Wyatt leans forward and smirks mischievously. “Ms. Jasmyn, huh? I don’t think I’ve heard you mention that name before.”
“She’s my ballet teacher!” Maisey chirps. “And she’s really pretty and nice and Daddy said she’s?—”
“Time to get washed up for breakfast, Maisey,” Luke interrupts as he sets a plate of pancakes on the table.
I make my way to the table, nodding hellos to Jace and Wyatt. Melody’s there too, carefully arranging place settings. She looks up at me with a sparkle in her eye. “Where’s Savannah?”
“She’s finishing up some work at the magazine. Said she’d swing by later if she can wrap it up in time.”
I settle into my usual spot, then pause. There’s an extra chair pulled up right next to mine.
My chest tightens as I realize what it means. They’ve made a place for her, without me even asking.
It’s such a small thing, but it hits me hard. After everything that’s gone down between our families, I wasn’t sure how my brothers would react to the idea of me dating a Sullivan. But this is my family accepting Savannah as one of us, no questions asked.
I run my hand over the back of the chair, picturing Savannah sitting there, laughing with my brothers and Melody and Maisey. It feels right. Like she belongs here.
Wyatt notices I’ve gone quiet. “You okay there, bro?”
I clear my throat. “Yeah. Thanks for, uh, saving Savannah a spot.”
Wyatt claps me on the shoulder. “Of course. She’s important to you. That makes her important to us.”
As we start passing around the plates, Jace’s eyes lock onto mine. “Speaking of Savannah, how did things go with your date?”