Vanth waited until they were walking out of the building and then he stuck his finger up at the security cameras over his shoulder. What a waste of their fucking time. Galen should have known better than to recommend he go there, and Vanth should have known better than to think a dragon would give half a fuck about anyone or anything that didn't involve them or their fucking horde.
"Fuck them, Vanth. We can do this on our own," Elektra told him, nudging him with her shoulder. "If we fail, then Lazarus will make it their problem anyway."
"We aren't going to fail," Vanth said with a lot more conviction than what he felt. He pinned her up against his van, making her smirk wickedly. "I have too many plans for you, princess. This shit with Lazarus is getting in the way of them, but once he's dealt with..."
Elektra looped her hand over his braid and tugged him closer. "Then what? I find out just how much of a good boy you can be for me?"
Vanth laughed huskily. "Your mating cycle must be leaving if you are starting to talk all dominant again, darling. I like it."
"Don't worry," Elektra leaned in and whispered in his ear, "I will still let you turn me into your whore whenever you like."
"Fuck," he groaned and kissed her.
Her perfect lips took control of the embrace, and she bit and soothed, and every bit of anger he still carried towards the cold-hearted lizard in the tower vanished.
A high-pitched whistle echoed overhead, making Vanth spring back. He had his dagger half free from its sheath when a black and white pegasus landed in the parking lot and reared back on its legs.
"What in the actual fuck..." he said. The rider pulled back their leather hood, and his mouth fell open. "Mom? What... How?"
"I remembered where the tear in the Veil is! My friend here offered to give me a lift because your grandfather shod him free of charge, " Eiline replied. She looked them both over, her brows raised. "What have you been up to, children?"
"The place you remembered was near the temple, wasn't it? In the in between? Galen gave us a map that can lead us to it," Vanth replied, ignoring her question.
"You went to Galen Murphy!"
"He owed me a favor!"
"Tarael Vanth, I wouldthrottleyou if we weren't in such a hurry. Get your things and get on. Flying will be faster than your van, and we are running out of time," his mother said and waved a hand in Elektra's direction. "Make sure your mate has everything she needs as well. Those suits were never as warm as they should have been. You know, you two really could have waited until after Lazarus was dead before binding yourselves to each other."
Vanth almost tripped on the asphalt.His what?He pulled open the door at the back of the van to grab his backpack.
"Did she just say... Have we..." Elektra squeaked, her gray eyes wide.
"I don't know. My fae instinct side isn't really in tune with all of that." Vanth let out a long breath. "You know what? Let's just figure it out later. Sound good?"
"Really, really good. The best idea I've ever heard." Elektra nodded and slid her own bag onto her back.
Vanth leaned over and kissed her once quickly. "Either way, I love you, princess. Now, let's go save the Veil."
"I love you too, but if this pegasus drops me, I will haunt you forever," Elektra replied with a bright smile.
"I'll put you in the middle so you don't go anywhere." Vanth looked at the huge creature before them. His mother made a soft clicking sound, and it lowered down on its forelegs for them. Vanth took Elektra by the waist and lifted her up behind Eiline before scrambling on behind her.
"I suppose this is a really bad time to tell you I'm scared of heights?" Elektra whispered.
Vanth put his arms around her. "Me too. We will just have to scream together."
"Wouldn't be the first time," Elektra said with a grin.
"I'm sitting right here. Please don't be disgusting. There are some things a parent shouldn't know," Eiline complained. "And don't insult our dear friend here by suggesting that he will drop you. A pegasus's back is the safest ride you will ever have."
"Mom, you should know we didn't figure out the spell to mend the Veil from your books. We have no plan," Vanth warned her.
Eiline smiled at him over her shoulder. "Oh, my darling boy, don't you understand?Youare the spell."
And the pegasus launched itself into the air, drowning out Vanth's flurry of swear words.