He cracked again—only for a second. A low snarl rose in his throat, frame coiled with the need to pounce. With a deep breath, I watched in delight as he dragged himself back from the edge once more.

He was better at it than I’d believed possible—that iron clad fist of self-control, the only thing between him and tumbling right over the edge when I pushed. I lived in this very strange, nonsensical existence of perpetually trying to shove him over that edge, while simultaneously unsure of what I would do if he actually fell.

I banished that rather uncomfortable thought and went back to pushing.

“I doubt she will. Besides, she just stole a gun from my office. I don’t know what her plans are, but I doubt she’ll be winning many prizes this week.” I snorted. “Not that I care. Punishments and rewards are going to be equally enjoyable for me.”

There was a long, long pause as Rogue digested that, eyes darting between mine as if searching for a bluff he wouldn’t find. “I’ll pay any debt she racks up,” he said finally.


We weregettingsomewhere. “I thought you didn’t care.”

He took a steadying breath, his shrug pitifully tense. “It’s her first week.”

“Precisely. If I don’t punish her, how will she learn?”

“Let her watch.”

Let her watch me beat the shit out of her scent match?

Well, damn.


I cocked my head, enjoying each moment of desperation in his eyes before I answered. “No.”

He took a step closer, a threat in any other circumstance from an Alpha his size. “This is aboutme.”

“Itwas—a few hours ago. Now I don’t know which I prefer. Forcing her to watch you take a beating or hearing her cry while I ruin all her tight little holes that should be yours to fuck.”

His lips drew back, curdled in the air—pure fury and hatred that brought a smile to my face.

Again, he did what he shouldn’t be able to and took a shaky step away, jaw still clenched, teeth bared. “Watch yourself.”

I cocked my head, eyebrow raising.

Was hethreateningme?

His snarl turned to a sneer behind the iron rods of his muzzle. “I didn’t have to go near her to tell how touch starved she was.”


“And I’m not the only one gambling with hormones.”

“Whatare you saying?” I asked, trying to keep the tightness from my voice.

Through the muzzle, his sneer deepened, becoming an echo of cruelty that ricocheted into an abyss I kept smothered with darker shadows. His words weren’t a threat at all; instead, they were a taunt. “You’re one surprise heat away from losing your grip on that leash you hold so desperately.”

My lip curled as I stepped back, white knuckled fist on the door. “Every debt she racks up, consider it doubled.” Fury burned like bile up my throat, kept down only by the fleeting flash of panic in his eyes. “Enjoy your week, Mutt. I’ll make sure to send you updates—and I’ll double her punishment again for each one you leave unread.”

I slammed the door in his face, and my racing heart only calmed slightly as I heard his growl of fury from within, followed by the sound of an echoing thud and splintering wood.


4 years before—The day of the storm.