I’d once tried to run, but that had been a stupid idea. My nose had never set straight from the beating, and my hormones, sick of taking abuse from assholes that were supposed to be my protection, were almost as furious with me as they were.
But did any of that matter, now that I’d seen him?
I don’t know how this raven-haired Alpha had changed the world, I just knew he had. I looked down with a frown, focused on rolling the rim of the glass in sugar.
Could it ever change back, now?
Too late, I thought.
A few of Dan’s pack sat in a nearby booth, watching the visitor. I made it my business to know what went on in the club—I wasn’t the only Omega in their service, but I was the one that disgusted them the most. I had to stay alert for anything that might sour their mood, because those consequences fell back on me.
Dan’s pack had all been anxious today, talking about a visitor who was coming to the club. Someone powerful and frightening—though they would never admit that directly. Instead, they’d just become angrier as the day went on.
It wasthisvisitor.
Ace Maverick, I’d heard them call him, but a simple name? That didn’t seem enough to truly encompass my beautiful god Alpha.
He was casual for a god, steps meandering, with sleeves rolled to the elbows in a messy fashion as he chose a place to sit. No one did that. If people came to visit Dan, he chose what booth and where. This was his domain. But I didn’t even see irritation on Dan’s face. Instead, he practically tripped over himself to follow.
A god, as it turned out, came with authority.
With the Sazerac ready and loaded onto the tray, I scanned the room again. I could see the shadow of the two bouncers at the door. The music was playing, but lower than it did when the night was in full swing.
We just gotta wait for the right moment…
A lull in conversation?
I wondered what his scent would be like. He wouldn’t catch mine, hidden as it was. Dan didn’t want anything as inconvenient as someone scent matching me.
I looked down at my outfit: a tight black dress—the way Dan liked it. He didn’t even mind other Alphas looking, not here, where it was clear who I belonged to.
But not enough to deserve a bite or a bond…
I shook away the thought. I had to wait for the group to settle, so it would be reasonable for me to bring the drink… Dan was shaking hands with one of the newcomers at the booth, but I noticed he never touched my raven-haired god.
Of course not.
It was wrong for anyone here to touch him; he was too important—even his men left him space.
He was leaning on the table, hands clasped, and I couldn’t wait any longer. Dan sat at the edge of the booth, visibly tense.
I darted around the bar and headed toward them, each step causing my heart to thunder in my ears.
And then I was there, standing before them, tray almost forgotten in my hands as I stared at my god Alpha, who graced me with a glance.
I had never drawn with colour before, but looking into his eyes, I knew I needed to. They were a shocking blue. My dad used to own stacks of old magazines that he used as kindling for the fireplace, and I would pick through them. One had been filled with images of nature I knew I’d never get to see, not locked away as I was. I remembered being impossibly drawn to the colours of glaciers, and I’d torn them all out and kept them under my pillow.
Now, I knew why: because that colour was enough to make the world come to a halt.
I couldn’t drag my gaze from him, not from the glint of silver of his wristwatch, of the wonderful way the tendons and veins were visible along his hand and arm with each small movement. And with every movement, it was as if the very air shifted, a push and pull of the tides, allowing breath… or ceasing it.
“What are you doing?” Dan’s sharp voice cut my thoughts off, and I tensed. I realised I’d been standing awkwardly at the side of the table, tray in hand.
I grabbed the drink, taking a small step up to the booth and placing it shakily down before him, then I darted back down the step, nervous to be so close.
“D-drinks…” My voice barely worked. “I thought I could ask what they might—?” I cut off as the god Alpha’s eyes snapped to me so sharply it was like a dagger was lodged in my throat. There was a strange fragment of silence, and right then there was no one else in the room.