Page 52 of Cause Of Death

“You know, I’ve been growing steadily more irritated with the security company Edgar’s been contracting, and while there are a number of fantastic guards I enjoy working with, there are agrowing number of personnel who seem to only be doing it to garner a paycheck. I’ve been mulling over opening up my own agency, possibly poaching the guys and girls I know I can trust to give their all. I’m even pretty confident that Edgar will happily shift allegiances to me if I let him know my plans. There are only two problems,” Adam smirks as he glances up at Steve and then back over to me.

“First is, I have no experience with running a business. I could probably handle the day-to-day scheduling, but training, staff rotas, and payroll? I have no clue how to deal with those. The second problem is that I’ll need to find one, maybe two other people I know I can trust to help me run the company. Perhaps even more. I need people with discipline, dedication, and who won’t put up with bullshit that could cost people their lives. People who know how to unearth sensitive information without leaving a calling-card. People who work well together, seamlessly, like a well-oiled machine. Do you happen to know someone—or perhapsseveralsomeone’s—who could fulfill those roles? Maybe people who don’t want to keep having to leave their family behind while they go off on business?”

I chuckle as everything falls into place.

“Oh, I think I can help you find a few people who’ll fit those descriptors. I’ll make it happen on one—no,two—conditions,though.” I wait to see if Adam will take the bait, thrilled when he does.

“And what conditions are those, Henley?”

I smile broadly—if a little cheekily—before answering.

“Well, first off, you’ll be the boss,Boss. The second thing is seeing as it’ll be your company, it’ll have your name—and only your name—on the business license. I kinda think that ‘Knight’s Protection’ or ‘Knight’s Protective Services’ have a special ring to them, don’t you?”

Adam’s beaming grin is as wide as mine as he offers his hand. I slap my palm to his and we shake in a gentleman’s agreement.


We makegood time between Redding and Merced, and upon reaching the house, we work together to quickly unpack and get everything sorted. I thank whatever deity is listening in that Steve extended the U-Haul hire before everything went down. I’d much rather deal with one issue at a time, thank you very much.

Despite the Suburban being our “backup” vehicle, I can’t deny that it’s perfectly sized to carry us all into the city. It’s burned as an untraceable transport for us now anyway, as is the safe house in Redding. That’s not to say that we’ll get rid of them both, we’ll just stop using them as though they’re unconnected to us.

I put Leslie in charge of finding us all clothing appropriate for an intimate dinner at home with one of the richest men in the country—and possibly even the world—while Adam and I check over the rest of the house for anything amiss. Steve is off buying the basics for breakfast tomorrow as well as ingredients for tonight’s dinner at Kieran’s penthouse, Kimberly is hooking all her electronics back together in her office, and Disa is feeding and fussing over Gizmo, with a little help from Kieran.

“You know, you guys don’t need to go to all this trouble for Edgar. As long as Kieran is happy, then he’s going to accept and approve of you.”

I snort dismissively at Adam’s mild reproach, not giving it any notice.

“Adam, we have family dinners together all the time. It’s something you’ll need to get used to, especially if you don’t know how to cook. Leslie can’t boil water to save their life, so they’re generally on wardrobe or last-minute errand duty. If youcancook, and have a particular preference or specialty, then we’ll be sure to incorporate it in our schedule. This dinner tonight, it’s more than just us meeting Kieran’s dad. It’s also properly initiating you into our family dynamic, introducing you to our traditions and habits. There’s a sense of safety and stability when we resume our normal programming after so much upheaval.”

With a wry chuckle, Adam shakes his head in disbelief.

“You guys are almost too good to be true, y’know? Edgar is going to fuckingloveyou, because you’re all capable, responsible adults who want to look after his beloved son for the rest of your lives. Darla, though? She’ll fuckingdespiseyou because she won’t be able to manipulate you. Not that it’ll make much difference one way or the other, not once Edgar learns of her role in Kieran’s abduction.”

I wave him off as we return downstairs, satisfied that there’s nothing out of place in regards to the structure or security of the house. The rev of an engine and soft squeal of brakes rises on the air, and it’s time to get a move on if we want to be sitting down to eat before it gets too late.

“C’mon Adam, I think I hear Steve coming back. Let’s round this lot up and get done with the rest of tonight. There are things that need to be said, and like a Band-Aid, it’s better to rip it off in one go rather than picking around the edges.”

Royal Tower is both a testament to the wealth and power of the Prince family, and if it belonged to anyone other than Kieran’s father—who both he and Adam have assured me is actually quite humble and down-to-earth despite his immense wealth—I’d wonder what exactly they were trying to compensatefor. Something tells me that it was someone else who requested it to resemble a rather phallic structure, and my money’s on Taylor Pinter. Everything that I’ve seen and heard about the guy screams that he suffers from a major inferiority complex, and likely feels the need to quietly compete with Edgar to exert his dominance.

Or something like that.

Adam’s driving because he not only knows where the entrance to the private car park is situated, but he also knows the guys manning the security booth. He instructs them to make a note of our names, as we’ll soon be put on the “family” list, and, “Yes, Edgarisaware of the latest additions, but sure, go ahead and call him about it. It’s not like we’re all here to meet him for the first time, and that we’re preparing him a home-cooked meal whose ingredients are slowly becoming unusable while we’re waiting.”

It’s enough to have the guards scurrying about like ants after their hill has been kicked, and we’re swiftly approved and waved through the checkpoint.

There’s a special elevator that only moves between the secure parking garage and the top three floors of the building. The penthouse belongs to Kieran, the apartment beneath his is empty, and the one below that is one that his parents use from time-to-time but it’s mostly kept available for the rare occasion when extended family and friends come to visit.

Not that any have done so since Kieran first presented.

The elevator ride is speedy, smooth, and silent, and we’re inside the metal box for no more than thirty seconds in total. Probably less.

The doors open into a vestibule with grand double doors at one end, and a table holding a vase of greenery beneath an oil seascape at the other. Adam strides forward, keying in an entry code and unlocking the door before holding it open for us tofollow. I gesture for Steve to take the lead, then wait for the others to enter before trailing behind at the rear and ensuring the door shuts properly behind me.

When I finally take the opportunity to look over the apartment, I’m absolutely gobsmacked with the size of the place. Even if I include the triple garage and loft rooms, the apartment is larger than the house in Redding, with half the number of bedrooms. Despite that, it feels homey and welcoming, the furnishings comfortable and inviting. Yes, there’s a sense of opulence, which only accentuates the high ceilings and feeling of space in each room, but it’s subtle. There’s no single thing that screams “I cost more than you’ll make in your entire lifetime!”, and it’s that understated luxury that has me relaxing. Wealth, I can handle. Snobbish, entitled dicks who like rubbing their wealth in other people’s noses? I’ll knock them down from their high-horse without batting an eyelid.

“The kitchen is through here, and there are two spare bedrooms down near my suite for whoever wants to shower and change first.” Kieran offers, and Disa waves him, Leslie, and Kimberly onward.

“You lot go and get ready, I’ll help Steve and Hen start with dinner. I already know the layout, as does Adam, so if Henley or Steve need directions I’m sure one of us can assist.”