We rock together as our newly-forged connection settles, our emotions raging. Thanks to the bond, our awareness of each other is at an all-time high, and I know that there’ll be no hiding my thoughts or feelings from Henley going forward. How this will impact the others, I have no idea, but I know one thing for sure—I won’t be fucking anyone but pack from now on.
And for that, I’m grateful.
I need.
I need…
I need… my alpha?
My nose is filled with the thick scents of vanilla, honey, lemongrass, and raw wood, with lingering traces of wood smoke, leather, and tobacco.
Need shreds through my body, leaving an aching emptiness in its wake, and I whine, begging wordlessly for relief. Muffled voices sound in my ears, but I’m too far gone to comprehend what they’re saying.
The cloying smell of sex permeates the air, and it sends another agonizing spear of lust lancing through my core. Mybody shudders from the unanswered call of my heat, and I cry out from the pain of it all.
Darkness. Maybe I can find relief in the darkness?
The muffled voices grow louder, arguing with each other. One in particular almost snags my attention, but my thoughts are fuzzy and drifting away like leaves on the breeze. Everything hurts, and I don’t want to hurt any more.
“Kier, please!” The desperate bark rouses me momentarily, something about the voice urging me to wake up, to pay attention. But the darkness is too enticing, its coolness beckoning me like a siren to a sailor.
I can feel my body being moved around by unknown hands, but I no longer care. I thought I’d found a family, a pack I could belong to, but the universe seems to delight in fucking with me. My first heat in over a decade, my chance to finally bond with my alpha, and instead I’m taken by a bunch of abusive assholes to be used and abused for profit.
A face floats to the forefront of my memories, one so dear to me that it hurts to contemplate leaving him behind. He’s mine, my choice, my love, my alpha.
“Adam,”I mutter, and his name is my salvation.
Cool air brushes against my skin, then warmth surrounds me. Tobacco, leather, and wood smoke floods my nostrils, and something cold and wet trickles between my ass cheeks. It doesn’t matter now; no amount of cold water will stall my heat from turning me into a burnt-out husk. Only one person could have saved me from that fate, and that possibility was taken from us the moment I was stolen from his arms.
Pressure unlike I’ve ever felt before pulls me away from the enticing darkness of oblivion, and I whine at the lost opportunity. Something rumbles beneath my cheek, the noise and vibrations soothing me, relaxing me, doing the unthinkableand easing my pain. The pressure increases, a delicious mix of pleasure and pain spearing up through my body, and I slowly become more aware of my surroundings.
My legs are spread wide over a pair of swarthy, hairy thighs, and my cheek is pressed against a strong chest. Dark curls litter the otherwise smooth skin before merging into a line of hair that darts down below a navel, down to the promised land.
Which is between my legs.
No, scratch that. It’sburied inside my ass.
My body shudders as the feeling of fullness draws me away from the darkness, pinches of pain dissolving into ripples of pleasure. Moving as though they have a mind of their own, my hips twitch, then begin to rock. I grind my stiff and throbbing cock against the warm, unyielding flesh I’m pressed against, moaning as a burst of pre-cum pulses from my tip. With each gyration of my hips, every upward pump and thrust from the man beneath me, I step toward awareness.
“Kier, are you back with me? Please, say something,” a voice so beloved and dear to me grinds out, the gravelly tones hoarse with fear and anguish.
Despite my desire to respond, I’m reduced to needy whines and moans as the cock I’m impaled on brushes over my prostate. I throw my hands out and grab onto a pair of bare, muscular shoulders, digging my blunt nails into the steely cords coiled underneath smooth skin. I’m wound tighter than a clock spring, each panting breath pushing me closer to the edge. My skin tingles as a cool wave of relief washes over me, launching me into the stratosphere as the tension finally snaps, and with it the last tattered shreds of my control.
“Adam!”I wail, my channel clamping down on his cock as I come, my orgasm exploding out of me in streams of hot cum. My soul exits my body through my cock, only to be sucked back in via my lungs as I howl with ecstasy.
“Fuck, fuck,FUCK!Kier, I can’t… I can’t…”
Adam’s own desperate pleas end in a roar as he forces me down over his cock, the swollen mass of his knot pushing its way past my tight ring of muscle. Another flare of pain streaks up my spine only to shatter in a starburst of pleasure, and my cock pulses afresh, painting our sweat-slick bodies with more of my cum.