Page 50 of Cause Of Death

“If you don’t mind taking direction, you’ll be fine. The main thing to remember is; enthusiasm is key. Lick, suck, nibble using your lips unless told otherwise, but mainly, have fun. Trust me, you’ll know when you’re doing it right.”

Another squeeze of Kimberly’s thighs is swiftly followed by a full-body shudder, and a gush of fluid floods my mouth. There’s so much of the sweet liquid that I can’t swallow it fast enough, and it runs over my chin and cheeks and down my neck. Her cries are muffled by Leslie’s cock, keening wails rising from her chest as her climax crashes over her. Leslie’s own orgasm follows swiftly on Kimberly’s heels, their hoarse shouts of release sending one last trickle of Kimberly’s cum from her pussy and into my waiting mouth. Almost as if choreographed, the two crash down onto the bedding beside me.

Steve doubles down on his own efforts to swallow me whole, his throat constricting around my cock in the most exquisitely agonizing way. Shivers race up and down my spine as my balls tighten, my own orgasm beginning to crest. I don’t want to fall, not yet, not until Henley makes me his in every way.

As though he’s heard my silent wish, Henley tightens his grip on my hips, his thrusts turning harder and more urgent. Steve moans around my cock, the vibrations shuddering through my entire body, and it’s that moment that Henley strikes, slamming me down over his knot and biting deeply into my neck. My subsequent climax is glorious, my nerve endings singing with rapture as my ass is filled with hot streams of Henley’s cum, my own pulsing down Steve’s open throat in uncontrollable spurts that feel like they’ll never end.

Steve swallows down every drop of cum, suckling at my cock like it’s the golden teat of eternal youth or some shit. Henley swallows down my blood, forging a link between us tougher than graphene. Fuck steel, this is two hundred times stronger. In fact, it’s even more indestructible than that.

It doesn’t take long for our connection to strengthen, each gulp of my blood solidifying the bond between Henley and me even further. As it settles into place, both Adam’s and Disa’s presence ping on my radar, a fresh connection between the two tethering us all together. Disa and I will never be able to truly bond with each other, but we’ll always be linked together thanks to our alphas. I’m also convinced it won’t be just the four of us together in this little mental grouping. It’s only a matter of time before Steve, Leslie, and Kimberly are included in our merry mental band. I’m not sure who will be knotting and biting whom with Steve and Leslie, but I’m pretty sure Adam will be taking Kimberly under his wing. From what I’ve been able to gather over the short time I’ve spent as a part of this family, Henley and Kimberly holdzeroattraction for each other. They are the epitome of how a family can be made from love and trust, and have nothing to do with shared genetics.

My body is exhausted, my heat sated for the moment. Darkness beckons me and I embrace it gladly, lulled into sleep while nestled in the warmth of so much love and acceptance.

Time holds no meaning,passing without rhyme or reason. Hours melt into days, which blur together in a hazy montage of waking up to find myself already in the throes of an orgasm while impaled on one of four cocks. Having Kimberly or Disasucking me off, or riding my face or cock—and in one particular instance, they were both riding me while sucking down each other’s tongues—until they drench my face and body with their cum. Memories of being bound with eyes blindfolded and mouth gagged while Leslie edges me using their talented hands and mouth for hours on end. Best of all, snuggled up with my alphas and fellow omega as we watch Kimberly and Leslie completely dominate Steve, turning him into their very willing plaything. The three betas do their best to keep us all fed and hydrated, but with two needy omegas to tend to, as well as two alphas in rut, they’re run ragged just covering the basics.

By the time our heats break, we’re both covered in bruises and welts from the multiple bites, spankings, and bondage we’ve been subjected to, not to mention cum and spit. Steve did an admirable job trying to lick us both clean, as it turns out he has a real kink for licking the cum from our skin, and even out of our various orifices. I don’t know why I find that so hot on him, because I can’t really imagine the others doing it or enjoying it, and thinking of someone else enacting the same thing in porn just makes my stomach roil. My older injuries are healing well and are at that uncomfortable, itchy stage, and I have no idea how I avoided contracting an infection of some sort. The bedding lining the nest reeks of our combined scents and is stiff and crusted with all of the cum and slick produced from seven bodies over the better part of a week, and I don’t even want to picture how my hair looks. If it’s anything like Disa’s, we’re both channeling Cameron Diaz fromThere’s Something About Mary.

As much as I enjoy smelling like my pack, my skin is crawling from the need to bathe.

“You awake?” Disa’s normally smooth voice is rough from so much abuse. It’s not at all surprising, really. We’ve both spent most of the time either screaming ourselves hoarse, or havingour throats fucked, so is it any wonder she now sounds like she’s been smoking five packs a day for the last thirty years?

“Barely,” I croak out in reply, and roll onto my hands and knees. Before I can make it further than that, my attention is snagged by a flurry of movement out of the corner of my eye.

“Oh, you’re both awake? Excellent. I have the whirlpool all set up and ready for you both, there are lavender and chamomile bath soaks as well as a plethora of body scrubs, face masks, hair treatments, and body lotions. Once you’re done in the bathroom, I’ll set one of you up with Steve for a massage while Kimmy and I do the other’s hands and nails, and then we’ll swap over.”

Leslie bustles over to the two of us, helping us to our feet and then slowly walking us into the bathroom. As promised, the whirlpool tub is full, the steaming water gently swirling and sending the calming fragrances of lavender and chamomile into the air. A tray-table sits to one side, laden with several plates of finger sandwiches, sliced fruit, and even a small charcuterie board, as well as jugs of fruit-infused water, beads of condensation making tracks down the sides of the glass.

Leslie fusses like a mama hen over her chicks, first by assisting Disa and me into the tub, and then making sure we’re both comfortable and have everything within arm’s reach. I’ve never been mothered so much in my life, not even by my own. I’ve seen multiple different sides of Leslie—sarcastic and sassy, bossy and autocratic, quiet and lethal—but this side, this soft kindness is new to me. I wait until they leave the room to lean forward and whisper to Disa, “I’ve never felt so coddled in all my life. I totally didn’t expect that of Leslie.”

She smiles, leaning back against her side of the tub. “Yeah. They’re kinda like the Spanish Inquisition in that respect. It’s one of the things I love the most about them.”

“I guess. I mean, from what I’ve seen they’ve got the fear, surprise, and ruthless efficiency down pat, but the motheringand sweetness? I’ve never had that much care and attention from myownmother.Then again, my mother has all the nurturing and love of the iceberg that sank the Titanic. On second thoughts, no, I’m pretty sure the iceberg was more forgiving and warm than my mother has ever been with me.”

Disa laughs at my statement, relaxing as the whirlpool jets work their magic on her tired and aching flesh. I know they’re working it with mine. Especially that spot on my back where the tracker was dug out.

I’m content for the moment, at ease in the knowledge that my life is no longer in danger, at least not from the Reno alphas or Tomas Biggs. The moment Disa ended him, the contract on my life was deemed complete. Now all we have to do is sort out my mother and Taylor Pinter, but I’ve already made it clear that nothing is to happen with them until we’ve discussed things with my dad. After all, he’s just as much a victim of their manipulation and deception as I am, and he deserves a say in how we dole out their consequences.

I have a feeling that they’ll wish to join Tomas Biggs before Dad’s done with them both.

Several hours later,Disa and I are clean and relaxed, having been pampered to our heart’s content. Steve’s hands are just as skilled as his tongue, and part of me thinks he really missed his calling as a masseuse. Then again, if he were a masseuse, he’d have to put his hands on other people, and I don’t think I’m okay with that.

I’ve barely known the guy a week, and I’m already possessive.

While not at the same pseudo-professional level as Steve, Leslie and Kimberly do an amazing job with our nails, hands, and feet. Our skin is as smooth and soft as a baby’s bottom thanks to the facials we all applied, and even Steve joined us when it came to the hair treatments. His beard is now the softest, most luscious facial hair I’ve ever had the pleasure of touching.

My entire life, I’ve been surrounded by opulence and excess. The best and most expensive items have been only the snap of a finger away from me. Yet it’s taken me twenty-seven years and meeting Leslie and Kimberly to truly understand and appreciate the luxury of being surrounded by those who only have your best interests at heart.

That’s not to say my father neglected me or ignored me as a child. Quite the opposite, in fact. It’s probably why my mother only had partial success in exploiting me, because when he was around, he was a very active and present parent. It’s just unfortunate that for the first eight years of my life he placed his trust in people wholly undeserving of it. Since learning the full extent of Taylor’s and my mother’s perfidy, memories I’d locked away, of being made to “perform” for the camera, touching myself at the direction and request of others, and spouting phrases and propositions that had no place falling from a child’s tongue, have flooded my thoughts like a dam bursting its banks. Their betrayal cuts deep, and I thank every god I can think of for the love and support I can feel through the bond connecting me to my pack. I suspect that if things had been different, if I had learned about my mother’s sins against me without Adam, Henley, Disa, Steve, Leslie, and Kimberly bolstering me, then it would have ended the potential for any future relationships for me.

Speaking of my father, his name lights up the screen of my smartphone, and I grimace as I realize I haven’t spoken to him in a week.


“Hey, Dad. I’m sorry I haven’t called before now, but?—”

“Kieran, while it’s an immense relief to hear your voice for once, please don’t worry yourself. I’ve been kept up-to-date with daily calls from Leslie, and if I’m honest, I’m glad that I don’t have to hear your moans in the background of our calls anymore. I take it your heat is over, at least for the time being? You aren’t showing any adverse effects from it? Do you need me to contact your doctors?” Dad takes a breath, his outpouring of concern overwhelming me and I fumble for an answer. Before I can say a thing, he’s off again.

“Now that you’ve bonded with your alpha and found a pack, your heats are going to be a recurring event, correct? That could be problematic while your P.I.D.D. is still acting up. I can call Doctor Milan’s number, if you’re still interested in undergoing gene therapy?”