Page 48 of Cause Of Death

It’s funny—anda little disappointing, if I’m honest—just how quickly Tomas’ bluster disappears after my introduction. He sings like the metaphorical canary, answering Adam and Henley’s questions with barely any hesitation or defiance.

The biggest surprise, though, is discovering Tomas’ rationale behind Kieran’s contract.

“Hang on, let me get this straight. After refusing to accept a fuckingteenageomega’s refusal—during his first ever heat, no less—and attempting to force him onto an unwanted knot and bond, you pitched an epic bitch-fit because your employer—who is also the said omega’sfucking father—canned your rapist ass.” Adam paces back and forth in front of Tomas, absolutely apoplectic in his fury and disgust. He spins and looms over the restrained alpha, the murderous intent shining clearly in his eyes.

Henley quickly steps forward, tugging Adam back several paces to allow me to take over the questioning.

“I get it, Tomas. Kieran is a fucking unicorn for someone like you—not only is he an omega, but he requires constant care and supervision due to both his health, and his family’s wealth and position. He’s sweet, funny, gorgeous, and has the most beautiful ass on top of all that. But that doesn’t give you, or anyotheralpha the right to claim him without his consent.” I crouch down on the cold, blood-spattered concrete in front of the alpha, staring him in the eye.

“There are two things that have me really puzzled, though. Perhaps you can enlighten me?” I probe, smiling coldly at the man’s wavering nod.

“Firstly, what made you wait until now to put out the contract on Kieran? Why wait over a decade?”

Tomas clears his throat and darts a look over toward Adam, before coming back to me.

“I… I heard rumors that he was no longer fully under his parents’ protection. Before then, it would have been too difficult to get to him. Plus, the contract itself wasn’t cheap. It costs a lot to hire someone to take out someone of Kieran’s wealth and stature without it looking like an actual hit. I didn’t want people to look for someone who might have a reason to harm him when he died, which was part of the reason why I said it was to look like natural causes.” He once again darts a glance over to Adam, then gives me an entirebunkerof ammunition against Darla Prince and Taylor Pinter.

“Plus, I knew his mother used to make money off him as a child. She’d film and photograph him in the bath, in his bed, playing with his toys… I discovered she’d created an entire site dedicated to Kieran and amassed a whole following of viewer subscriptions on the dark web based on the material she provided. When I approached her about it all, she said that since nobody was actuallytouchinghim, there was no harm done, and she’d pay me royally—no pun intended—if I kept my mouth shut. I learned later on that Taylor—Edgar’s business partner—was neck-deep in the same muck as Darla. In fact, he was her first subscriber. They paid me very well to keep my mouth shut and stay off the radar, even after I was fired. Then, all of a sudden, they cut me off. I wanted to ruin their lives just as much as they’d ruined mine, so I thought I’d slaughter the golden goose, and maybe drag their precious name through the mud at the same time. Makehiminto the monster that they accusedmeof being. After all, dead men can’t defend themselves.”

Hearing those words falling from Tomas Biggs’ mouth ignites a rage inside me I’m not sure I can ever extinguish. Atleast not while Kieran’s abusers are still breathing. I stalk away from my position in front of the interrogation chair and stop, taking several deep breaths in order to calm myself. I count each one while mentally ordering my body to unclench, reminding myself that there are still questions that need asking before I can end this pitiful creature’s existence.

Another calming breath and I’m ready to continue.

“Thank you for that information, Tomas. It will come in handy when I’m ready to deal with both Darla Prince and Taylor Pinter. I only have one other question for you. Why did you “buy the right” to knot and bite Kieran from Pyotr, knowing that you’d already had him marked for execution? Why tether yourself to him in such a manner, when you already knew the supposed end date?”

Tomas’ face contorts into a grotesque mask of petulant fury.

“Because he should have been mine!”he snarls, straining against the cable ties restraining him. “I’ve wanted to own that ass since before his balls fucking dropped, before I evenknewhe was an omega!Part of my agreement with Darla was that he’d beminewhen he was finally old enough. But then he went into heat unexpectedly, and that fucking moron Brody had to interfere, get Edgar involved, and out the door I went. So, when I heard that Darla was actually selling him, I made sure that mine was the winning bid. I’d already decided that if I couldn’t have him, then nobody could, and this was my last chance to make him mine!”

Nodding my head, I step back once more, finally satisfied. I’ve no more need for Tomas Biggs, and he’s outlived his usefulness. He’s given me all that he knows, I’m sure of that. His fear of me and what I can do outweighing his need to stall and force us to torture it out of him.

While I canfeelHenley’s relief at not having to dole out any violence—which let me tell you, is both weird as fuck as wellas really sweet and heartwarming—a blind man would be able to see Adam’s frustration and fury at having to hold back. He needs an outlet for his pent-up emotions, and I have the perfect solution.

Well, two of them.

Henley leaves after a whispered instruction from me, happy to leave Adam and me to it while he goes and fills Kimberly and Leslie in on the pertinent details. Tomas watches the both of us warily, knowing his end is coming yet not sure which direction it will come from.

“Adam,” I stroke along the alpha’s jawline until he turns his head to look at me. “I can’t give you Tomas’ death, I’m sorry. If we want the contract on Kieran to be considered completed, I have to dispatch either the target or the client, nobody else can do that. But if you need to let off some steam, I’ll happily wait for you to make him bleed first,” I stretch up on my tiptoes to whisper this next part in his ear, “and then you can drag me into the nearest shower, strip me down, bend me over, and fuck the rest of your aggression out. I’ll be ready for a little rough-and-tumble after everything’s all said and done.”

The fires that leap in Adam’s intense gaze have my thighs clenching together in an attempt to stop the new gush of slick from overflowing the pad and running down my legs. His hands fly out, one tangling in my loose braid, the other gripping my hip as he yanks me in close. His lips are hard and uncompromising as they devour mine, the thrust of his tongue determined and overwhelming as he invades my mouth like a victorious conqueror. I moan in pleasure, rocking my hips so my lower belly rubs along the thick shaft of his erection, his jeans doing nothing to disguise or contain the swelling flesh.

I’m left panting and needy when Adam finally releases me, his movements a blur as he spins and literallytearsTomas from his chair, despite his injured arm. The other alpha cries out instartlement, then pain, before belatedly attempting to defend himself.

Yeah, good luck with that.

I lean against the garage wall to watch the very one-sided fight. The time I allocate for Adam to vent his frustrations passes far too quickly, and before long Tomas is a broken lump of battered, bloody flesh begging for mercy on the floor.

“Alpha,” I call out, stepping forward and gently pulling Adam away, carefully directing him toward the garage door. A click of a button sees the door lifting thanks to the hydraulic motor, revealing Henley and Leslie on the other side. Leslie’s looking a little more rumpled than usual, with a self-satisfied smirk on their lips.

It looks like they’ve had some fun of their own while we’ve been busy with Tomas Biggs, I think to myself, glad that my family is finally coming together. I just hope that it also included Kieran, because unlike me, the poor omega currently doesn’t have anything else to channel his heat-induced urges into other than sex.

“Make sure he hasn’t exacerbated his injury while I finish up in here, please?” I bat my eyes at Hen and Les, gently nudging the irate alpha into their keeping.

Leaving Adam in their capable hands, I stroll over to Tomas, squatting down to meet his blackened, bloodshot eyes.

“Tomas, this next part isn’t going to feel very nice for you, but itwillbe fast. If I’m being honest with you here, I’d love to make you writhe on the floor in agony for hours, but I have better things to do. Such as havingbothof my alphas fuck and knot me and my fellow omega through our heats.”

With that I melt my right hand into thin air, my left reaching out to grip Tomas’ head, fingers tunneling through his hair before tightening my hold to keep him still. I plunge my non-existent right hand through his skull, ignoring the distressedwhimper coming from the alpha below me, then solidify it once more.