Page 39 of Cause Of Death

“You mean, you couldn’t tell from the raging hard-on I’m wielding? Gee, thanks for that, great way to give a guy a performance complex.”

I glance down at his groin and blush at the rather prominent bulge at the apex of his thighs.

“I wastryingto be respectful. Just because you’re an omega rapidly descending into his heat, it doesn’t give me carte blanche to ogle you or objectify you. I might be an assassin with skewed ethics and morality, but I have them, nonetheless. I’m a killer, not a fucking creeper.”

Kieran laughs again, this time with more humor.

“Okay, thanks for that, I guess. Take this as me giving you blanket permission to ogle and grope me at your leisure from this day forward. While I’d like to think that you’ll always see me as a person rather than a cock for you to suck or fuck, we both know that mid-heat our thought processes will devolve into three lines of thought; is it trying to kill me, is it trying to feed me, or is it trying to fuck me? We won’t even see our family as anything more than a form of protection, the bearers of nourishment, or a living dildo or cock-sleeve waiting to fuck us or be fucked.”

He’s not wrong. It’s part of the reason why conversations regarding limits, boundaries, and the like are so important to have before an omega’s heat hits. We become ravenous, slavering horndogs and our only focus is to be knotted or locked and stuffed full of cum. We willbegfor the most depraved and deviant acts to be performed with our bodies the way that an addict will beg when in the midst of withdrawal. Consent cannot be truly granted by an omega in heat, or an alpha during their rut, which is why we require it to be negotiated in advance.

“Well, here’s hoping none of that will happen before we’re snuggled in a nest somewhere, and not stuck in a tiny little closet masquerading as a cell, then.” I quip, sending a silent prayer upto whoever might be listening that neither Kieran nor I will be lost to the throes of our heats before our chosen alphas arrive.

But it’s not something I’m willing to place money on.

“Disa, you need to ‘wisp out,’now!Someone’s coming.”

Kieran’s urgent hiss startles me from the drowsy daze I’ve been floating in, each second ticking by washing away my adrenaline and making way for my heat.

It takes me precious seconds to fully comprehend what Kieran is on about. By the time I figure it out, I can hear the rattle of the main door opening. Body screaming with need and exhaustion, I force my shift, my body disappearing into thin air a heartbeat before Kieran’s door swings open.

“Well, lookey at who’s finally awake. I hope you’re feeling needy, omega, because we have plans to stuff you until you’re screaming. There are a lot of alphas out there without an omega, and they’re willing to pay some serious cash to knot your ass, willing or not. There are even a couple offering the big bucks to not only knot you, but bite you as well. Seems your ass is on alotof wish lists, although I can’t see it myself. I prefer more junk in an omega’s trunk, and not the flat pancake you call an ass.”

Gym-Bro is a fucking moron. Not only because Kieran has an almost perfect bubble butt beneath his sweats, but also because he’s paid zero attention to the shattered camera in the corner. The guy has more brawn than brain, and it’s my hope that this will be to Kieran’s and my benefit.

I’m not quite ready to take out the entire lot of alphas, although Gym-Bro is sorely tempting me to crush his balls with my bare hands. I need to conserve my energy, protect myself andKieran as much as possible, and if I’m going to takeanyoneout, it’ll be Pyotr. Gym-Bro can wait.

“Get on your knees, omega, and open that slutty mouth!” Gym-Bro barks, and Kieran drops to his knees on the cement floor. I mentally wince at the crack as his kneecaps meet the uncompromising surface, but that comes secondary to the realization that Gym-Bro’s bark is completely ineffective on me while I’m in this form. It could be because his bark isn’t as strong as other alpha barks, or it could be that my incorporeal form gives me some additional benefits and protections.

However, Kieran’s not the only thing to drop to the ground. Gym-Bro’s jeans sag as he unbuckles his belt and pushes them over his hips, the stench of sweaty gym socks, bad body odor, and old smegma is even stronger now that he’s partially naked. His erect cock is one of the ugliest I’ve seen, and I’ve seen an assortment of them in my life. Long pubic hairs sprout from the shaft, veins bulge and pulse beneath his foreskin, and the crown of his penis is already seeping with pre-cum. The misshapen bulge of his swelling knot is the craptastic frosting on the shit-cake that is his dick. However, that’s not what makes it disgusting. No, it’s the unclean state of it, with what I can only imagine is dried jizz crusted on the hairs and around the rim of his foreskin.

Iseriouslywant to vomit, and I’m not the one on my knees and about to get up close and personal with the disgusting genitalia.

Kieran’s entire body trembles as he fights the command, his mouth open and panting. But while he’s complying, he’s not as responsive or obedient as Gym-Bro appears to want.

“Open wider, fuckwit, I want you to swallow my cock, not a fucking Slim Jim.” Gym-Bro grouses, and I silently snigger. By the time I’m done with this asshole, he’llwishhis cock was as big as a Slim Jim. But I’m getting ahead of myself.

I caress a tendril of air down Kieran’s cheek, letting him know he’s not alone. Then I curl another tendril around Gym-Bro’s tiny, sagging balls, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

Cursing, Gym-Bro steps back to give himself room, shuffling his feet so his jeans drop lower. Now that he’s no longer in arm’s reach of Kieran, I allow my tendril to solidify enough that I can manipulate matter. Or in this case, an unwashed pair of shriveled up testicles.

I squeeze my tendril around the upper portion of the scrotal sac, close to where it attaches to the body. I don’t let go, tightening my hold until Gym-Bro screams with pain, his high-pitched shrieks and cries music to my ears. I move my tendril lower, trapping his testicles lower in the sac, malevolent glee humming through me as the entire scrotum first turns a rather deep red, then purple as I restrict the flow of blood.

“What the fuck is going on in here? Jerry, what in God’s name do you think you’re doing?”

I giggle as Low-Tide shoves into the room, letting Gym-Bro’s real name slip. Jerry the Gym-Bro. It fits. Low-Tide glances over at where Kieran is kneeling out of reach, while Gym-Bro Jerry keeps screaming.

Oops. I better stop strangling his balls.

I loosen my hold on my powers at the same moment I release Jerry’s shriveled prunes. His screams taper off into choked sobs, and I’m glad to see that pain is not an aphrodisiac for him. His dick has shrunk, tucking itself into his body as much as possible. Gym-Bro Jerry drops to his knees, cupping his groin as he sobs incoherently, and I move back to circle myself protectively around Kieran’s neck.

“For fuck’s sake, get a hold of yourself. You’re lucky Pyotr sent me to check in on you rather than coming himself, because he’d have torn your dick off, then choked you with it if he sawyour stunt. The omega’s to be leftun-fucking-toucheduntil his heat is on him, and we have him set up in front of the cameras. Now, pull your pants back up and stop screeching like a fucking girl, unless youwantPyotr to walk in on this little scene himself.”

It takes Jerry a minute or two to regain his ability to do more than sob and clutch at his junk, but eventually he pulls up his jeans and stumbles out of the room. Kieran takes advantage of Jerry’s now-broken order and scrambles back onto his cot, warily watching the remaining alpha. Low-Tide glances around, his head freezing as his gaze lands on the shattered fake camera.


I steel myself for Low-Tide’s bellow, but what happens next is something I wonder if even Henley would’ve foreseen.