Page 3 of Cause Of Death

Pursing their lips in a moue of disdain, Leslie sniffs dismissively at my words, but gets over their little huff almost instantly.

“Seriously, Disa. You need to take care of yourself better, or at least let Kimmy do so. It doesn’t make you any less of a badass if you give into your designation’s tendencies from time to time, especially if it’s done in private. You don’t have anythingto prove to anyone, my love, and those who would suggest differently are all idiots.”

I don’t say a word. I know Les is correct, and that their words come from a place of love and concern.

I’m an omega, and from a very young age I realized that the moment people learn that about me, their opinions change. They treat me like a child who has no autonomy or a working brain in my head, as though I’m fragile and delicate as blown glass. They don’t see my steel spine or hardened core, the result of growing up inside an orphanage for others like me—unknown parentage, unknown lineage, unknown powers, yet with an identifiable designation. They see me as an easy mark, a simple target who won’t fight back. I’ve buried more than one person who tried to take from me that which was not freely given.

Life isn’t kind to those who are different, especially if they’re alone. Bitter experience taught me that. I guess I was lucky that Henley, Steve, Leslie, and Kimberly were all at the same orphanage, and took me under their collective wings. Their protection not only made it harder for those with nefarious intentions to gain access to me, but it also showed me who each of them are at their core.They’re my family, my very heart and soul. Blood doesn’t make a family, not in the standard sense of the word, trust and commitment do. They’re the ones I know I can trust, that I can count on to be there for me, no matter what. The ones who have helped me bury the bodies I’ve left behind.


I don’t get a chance to respond as Kimberly loudly stumbles down the stairs, her hazel eyes bloodshot and her russet hair falling out of her bun. While she normally tends to stay up late, she never went to bed last night thanks to my mysterious correspondence, instead using the time to research whatever she could about the mysterious Guild and their offer. And it shows. Kimmy’s still wearing the sweats and oversize T-shirtfrom last night, and she looks rumpled and barely cognizant of her surroundings. She heads directly over to the sofa, dropping down onto the cushions and glomping onto Leslie. She snuggles up to their side and once she’s comfortable, she turns to me and makes grabby motions at the steaming mug in my hand. I pass it over without a word, because I know better than to come between my best friend and her miracle bean juice.

I might have skills that mean I can kill without a trace—which I have, once—but that woman wouldn’t kill me. No, she’d just make me beg for death instead.

“Okay, now that our resident coffee gremlin is with us, shall we call the guys? I want everyone’s input on this group before I decide, one way or the other.” My voice is calm and even, not revealing even a shred of the anxiety and terror roiling away in my gut. I can only hope that this Guild won’t take exception to me calling in my family for advice.

With only minimal messing around, we soon have Steve and Henley displayed up on Kimmy’s laptop screen, both men looking tired but not completely sleep deprived. They’re a lot like me in that respect; they have jobs that often mean early mornings and late nights, so they’ve learned to catnap at will.

Henley is exactly how you’d imagine an alpha serving in the military to look: tall, stacked, and lethal. He’s six foot eight inches of pure muscle, although most of his bulk is in his upper body and thighs. It’s only sheer dedication to leg day that his calves are proportional to the rest of him, and that he doesn’t have the “chicken legs” that so many so-called body-builders suffer from. His burnt umber skin glows with health, and the tight, dark curls of his hair are cropped close to his head. His eyes are a warm brown, the gentleness imbuing them belying his occupation. Henley is a protector at heart, not prone to violence or savagery unless provoked. His aggression is rarely channeled anywhere but at a punching bag, or a hammer and nails. Heloves to work with wood in his downtime, as he claims it gives him the patience he needs to deal with the “idiotic grunts” within his unit. The man screams “Daddy Dom” and “caretaker” to me, and I know that Kimberly sees him as her big brother. I have a more…complicated… relationship with Henley.

Steve could be Henley’s twin, except for the fact that Steve’s skin is lily white and covered in freckles. Looming over most of us “short-stacks” at six foot six, Steve’s build is what some would call “a brick outhouse.” His shoulders are broad, and his arms bulge with the most perfect arm porn you can imagine. Although his chest is broad, his stomach isn’t toned or carved into washboard abs. In fact, he’s got more of a “dad bod” than a sculpted Adonis figure.

The guy could quite easily play receiver for the Rams, as he’s also quick and nimble on his feet. That, along with his imposing height, is a boon when collecting bounties, I guess, as well as a walking billboard for his sigma nature. He has shoulder-length auburn curls and a beard most lumberjacks and Vikings would swoon over. With his piercing blue eyes, and an ingrained sense of justice that would rival Superman’s, it’s no wonder that he’s inundated with offers from both women and men to throw them around their bedrooms. Unfortunately for Steve, he’s alsoincrediblyshy when it comes to sex. Although, I can state with some authority that the guy is not only hung, but he’smorethan adept at satisfying his partner in bed. He’s one of my best friends—with benefits—and I know that he values having a relationship based on friendship and shared values, rather than just physical attraction. Plus, he absolutelydeteststhat people peg him as dominant in the bedroom. The guy is a bedroom submissive, one hundred percent.

Steve waves to the camera, his cheeky smile warming my heart.

“Okay, now, little Wisp. What’s got you all in a tizzy this early in the morning?” Henley breaks the silence and gets straight to the heart of the matter. That’s Henley, though. Why put off a problem when it can be dealt with now?

I quickly recount the events of Kimberly’s and my previous evening, and how it ended with a black envelope attached to Gizmo’s new accessory. I then read them the letter in its entirety, waiting at the end for them to digest the missive’s contents before asking the million-dollar question:

“So, what should I do?”

Henley’s expression rivals that of a thundercloud, and I canfeelhis urge to get on the next flight out of Kentucky and make his way here to protect me from this potential threat. Steve, however, has a more thoughtful expression on his face.

“What did they call themselves, again, Disa?” Leslie drawls, and I show them the letter. They hum thoughtfully before pulling out their smartphone and tapping away. I shrug and return my attention to the laptop sitting on the coffee table in front of me.

“I’ve heard rumors about civilian groups acting like black ops for a while now, and this ‘Guild’ is pinging on my internal radar,” Steve begins, and I sit up at his words.

“What have you heard?” I ask, and Steve takes his time answering.

“Just that nobody knows who they are, and a lot of their contracts seem to include the impossible—people dying mysteriously in secure locations, inexplicable causes of death, and the fact that there’s no trace of them left behind.”

“Do it,” Leslie butts in suddenly, tucking their smartphone back into their pants pocket. “TheFemme Fatale Freakshowis a very select,veryclandestine operation, one who even the governments of the world are aware of and have utilized in the past. While they are demanding and exacting in theirexpectations, they aren’t unreasonable. And when they say it’s a lifetime commitment, that applies on both ends. They will take care of you as long as you also take care of them. I’ve heard… whispers from the shadowy corners of dark, smoky rooms that their older personnel tend to move from active service to a more hands-off approach—research, assigning contracts, that kind of thing.”

Leslie pauses to flick their hair over one shoulder dramatically before continuing. “But the point is, they’ve already done their research. They already knoweverythingabout you, and by extension, us. Not only as a form of insurance for them, but also as a form of protection for you. After all, they don’t want their operatives under any unnecessary duress if those closest to them are in danger from their enemies. Besides, it’s not like they’re going to ask you to do anything you’d find morally repugnant. By their own words, ‘The Guild will never send you a mark that doesn’t fit within your target criteria.’ That means thatyouwill set the boundaries of which contracts you will and won’t consent to undertake.”

I bite down on my lip, considering Leslie’s words. They aren’t wrong. The terms set out in my invitation are clear, if succinct. But I can’t join their ranks unless all of us are on board.

I already know Leslie is on board, and the excited squeaks and wriggles coming from the end of the couch are enough to tell me that Kimmy is all in as well. Hell, she’s probably wondering whyshehasn’t been invited, but if she’s included by association, she’ll be happy to be my support team. She won’t give me a choice about being my backup, either, not if I want to live a long and happy life.

I flick my gaze back to the laptop, and the duo of stern visages hovering on the screen. I meet Steve’s eyes first, warmed by the concern and gravity pooling in them. He gives the barest nod, and a coil of tension I hadn’t even been aware of loosens insideme. I finally look over to Henley, his brow furrowed in a frown and wait for his response. This is the moment where it’s either make or break. He’s the unofficial head of our little family, and he gets right of veto in cases like this.

Henley stares at me for a moment, then holds up a finger.

“You can accept on one condition, little Wisp.” We both ignore the excited squeals coming from Leslie and Kimberly. “You keep us in the loop at all times. Kimberly will continue working with you on research, and you’ll call us in as and when you need us. You’ll also let us know when you’re about to go after a target, although you can leave the details out if needs be.”

I nod in agreement, knowing that this must be a nightmare for Henley. I know he loves me, and in a way that goes beyond our family unit. He’s never seen me as a sister, and by his own admission, he’s been in love with me for years. It was his idea for us to wait until I was a little older, so I could experience the world. It was my decision that I wouldn’t take that step untileveryonewas ready and willing to live together as a pack, and that couldn’t happen while Henley was still enlisted and stationed half the country away.