Page 96 of Make It Without You

“You’re not exactly subtle,” I say pointedly to her.

Kam snorts as Sarah rolls her eyes. “Sweetie, when have you ever known that to be a trait of mine?”

“Fair point. So what do you think?” It’s not that I need any of their approval, but it’s nice to have it.

Sarah looks around me and blatantly checks out my boyfriend. I splash her when she looks too long. Her smile is almost comical. “I can see why you fell for him. But there’s something about him. I can’t put my finger on it.”

“It’s the eyes,” I sigh.

“The eyes,” they all drone.

“How’s work, Sarah?”

She takes a healthy sip of her drink.

“That good, huh?”

“We’re doing damage control right now. One of the hockey players needs a PR makeover. So, because of me and my big mouth, I suggested a babysitter. And guess who has to do the babysitting?”

My mouth falls open. “You?”

“I sometimes hate my job.”

“But you’re the best publicist I’ve ever had,” Mason interjects as he and Adam join us in the pool.

My mouth curves into a smile when I notice Sarah staring at Adam. I splash her again.

“What?” She asks innocently.

“Get your own single dad.”

The laughter that spills out in the pool relaxes me. Adam pulls me into his arms as we wade in the pool.

This is what I always wanted. My worlds collide effortlessly as the summer sun beats down on us. The rest of the day passes by with more drinks and food Adam cooked on the grill. Music flows from the stereo he has connected outside and provides welcome background noise to an otherwise peaceful day.

As the sun begins to set, we get the firepit going along with the drinks that haven’t stopped filling our cups.

“How’s living together?” I ask Kam.

Kamryn and Mason are snuggled on a loveseat with her legs splayed over his.

“Cramped,” Mason pipes up.

“Oh, hush. He’s just mopey because he has to duck every time he comes downstairs.”

“I have to agree with Mason,” Sarah says.

“What!? It’s a cozy house,” Kam argues.

Mason snorts as he drinks from his beer. “Baby it’s cozy for you, Lucy, and Poppy. But not for all four of us.”

“Fine. Then find us a house for the four of us and I’ll move in.”

“Done.” Mason accepts with a Cheshire cat-like grin.

“Do they do this often?” Adam asks low enough so only I can hear him.

“No,” I say and roll my head toward him. “That’s just Kam’s personality coming out to shine.”