Page 93 of Make It Without You

“Hi,” her soft voice over the phone instantly soothes me.

“Hi, baby.”

I hear sheets rustling. “What’s wrong?”

“I didn’t want to tell you until I saw you. But Chelsea was waiting for me here when I got home.”

“What?” The disbelief in Emily’s question is evident.

“I know.” My mind is still trying to make sense of if she was serious.

“You’re planning to call your lawyer? I mean I don’t think any lawyer would reinstate her rights. It’s been six years. You’ve provided for and loved Dylan better than she ever could have.” Emily reassures me with everything I already know.

Running my hand through my hair I walk into my bathroom and turn the water on for a shower to wash off the night from work and the shock from an unexpected visitor.

“You’re an amazing dad, Adam. You put Dylan first. And that’s more than I can say for her. Don’t let her reappearance shake your foundation.”

I let out a deep breath. “I won’t. I promise I won’t. Thank you.”

“Always. Go shower. I’ll see you later. I love you.”

“I love you too, sunshine.”

“Bye,” she whispers before she ends the call.

I place my phone on my bathroom vanity, strip off my clothes, and get into the shower. The steaming hot water pounds down on my body instantly soothing my aching bones and pushing the last thirty minutes out of my mind.

I focus on Emily and her love and reassurance. I focus on Dylan and his goofy smile and never-ending energy. I think of the people in my life that would stand by me and attest to my ability with being an amazing father.

Letting her get to me could shake the very foundation that I’ve set in place. And that would break the promise that I gave to Emily.


Today’s the day my world meets my other world. It took a while for us to get to this place. But I know my girls will love Adam when they meet him.

I pull into Adam’s driveway and park next to his truck. He managed to get off the next couple of days. With him hiring another assistant general manager, his days and nights are a bit more flexible.

Taking my keys out of the ignition, I round to the back of my car and get my bag before walking up to the front door. I test the door handle and see it’s unlocked, with a shake of my head, I push inside and turn the deadbolt.

“Adam? Why was your front door unlocked?” I shout when I close and lock the front door.

Dylan is at his friend's house for a sleepover. He’s been there since early this afternoon apparently. God bless Sandra for hosting six rowdy little boys. So I decided with Dylan out, I would come over early. We’ve upped the days when I see Dylan. It was strange at first as Adam and I are already affectionately comfortable with one another. Dialing back the level of affection we show one another is hard for both of us. But Adam tells meif Dylan catches us, he’ll have to get used to his Dad kissing his former teacher.

I dump my bags at the foot of the stairs and walk into the kitchen to see Adam tittering around in the fridge. A black tank top showcases his sculpted arms with the tattoos on his arm and the backward baseball cap makes me weak in the knees. Silently, I hop up onto the island and wait for him to turn around. And when he does, the smile that hits his face when he sees me is infectious.

“Hi, sunshine,” he greets me and walks over to where I’m sitting. Placing the bag of corn on the cob on the island next to me, he wedges himself between my legs and leans forward to place a chaste kiss on my lips.

I drop my arms around his shoulders, and slide my hands under the neck of his shirt, taking him in. While his eyes aren’t the bright forest green I love looking into when we’re together, it doesn’t make him any less handsome. But I fear knowing that Chelseareappeared is weighing on him.

“Are you sure you’re ready for today?”

“Yeah. I wanna meet your world.” He reassures me.

I wrap my legs tighter around his waist and pull him closer to me. “I can’t wait for them to meet my world.”

“God I love you,” Adam says, slamming his lips to mine.

My arms wrap around his shoulders and he wraps his arms around my waist. I squeal when he pulls me off the island and walks us to the couch. My legs lock at the base of his spine as I trail my lips down his neck.