While my kids were doing their color worksheets, I was catching up on end-of-the-year paperwork and report cards. I laugh as I see what they colored and how they colored them. Laughing as I clean up the mess they left behind, I pack up my things and head to the front office to pick up any mail before leaving for the day.
On the way home, I blastMy Dear Melancholy,byThe Weeknd, an album that Adam is obsessed with. I’m not usually an R&B fan, but this album is sensual. Maybe that’s why Adam is a fan. I get home as the last song is ending and get my things out of the backseat. Walking up the stairs to my apartment, a vase with orchids is waiting for me on my welcome mat.
I unlock the door to my place and pick up the vase right as I open the door. Bringing it to my kitchen counter, I pluck the card off of its holder.
To make you smile.
Yours, Adam
Taking a picture I send it to Adam.
Me: Mission accomplished.
Adam: I’m glad you like them.
Me: They’re one of my favorites.
Adam: What are your other favorites?
Me: Sunflowers and roses.
Adam: Does it make me cheesy if I say that you’re the sunflower in my life?
Me: Not at all.
Heading to my bedroom, I pull some shorts out of my dresser and a tank top. Once changed I walk to the other end of my apartment and check in on Biscuit. Although it’s veering towards the middle of May, I open my patio door and am lucky when a breeze comes off the water.
It’s moments like this, when my life is at a plateau, that I miss the chaos. The silence causes me to slip into the darkness. So I find an upbeat record that never fails to boost my mood. Pouring a glass of Rose, I pick up my Kindle and head to my patio as I let the rest of my day pass by.
“Five, four, three, two, one! Summer!”
Cheers are heard throughout the school as summer is officially here. School is done until August and my kids could not be happier.
I’m happy too. But for an entirely different reason.
My kids smother me with hugs on their way out of my classroom. I had a blast teaching them and it makes me a little sad that I won’t see them again. When the final kid is out the door I let out a long-awaited breath.
I straighten up desks and push the chairs in. Throwing away worksheets that were left behind. I have three months of freedom.
“Bye, Melissa. Girls night soon!” I say as I pop my head into her classroom.
“You got it, girlfriend.”
With a wave, I walk down the deserted hallway and push my way out to the parking lot. I see a lone figure standing by my car. I’m a good distance away so I can’t quite make who it is. But when I’m closer my heart rate picks up and I can’t stop the smile from spreading across my face.
“What are you doing here?” I ask Adam with a laugh.
He meets me halfway. “I told you I didn’t want to wait.”
And then his mouth is on mine. Claiming me for the world to see. My bags drop to the ground and my hands fist the bottom of his shirt. This kiss is freeing. Our tongues tangle and send shockwaves down to my toes. I rise to my tiptoes wanting to get closer to Adam.
Wrapping my arms around his neck and weaving my hand through his hair. His hands slide down my body landing on my lower back, pulling me into his groin.
I rip my mouth from him and take in a much-needed breath. “Hi.”
My greeting comes out breathy as I search his eyes. They’re greener in this light but all I see is my reflection shining back at me.
He leans in for one more kiss. “Hi, beautiful.”