I smile at him over my shoulder and scoot to the back corner of his truck. Adam’s hands engulf my waist as I pop a foot on the corner and pull myself up. His hands trail down the length of my legs and my body goes light for a moment until I’m safely in the bed of his truck. Adam joins me a minute later and props his leg out before pulling our food out.
My gaze fixates on him. And I wonder how, in a time when I needed healing, did this man pick me. His hair is pulled back in a bun and the beard on his face is well-kept. There’s something about Adam that makes me want to cuddle into him and never let go.
We eat in comfort as the sun goes down and the movie starts on the big screen. When we’ve polished off our food, Adam leans back on the pillows he has set up and gestures to me toward him. I take my heels off and slide over to him. I fit into his side like a lock sliding into place.
This comfort I experience with him is quick. Like what I feel for him I should be me taking it slow. But in this phase of my life, I’m in a ‘why go slow?’ phase.
Adam turns the volume down on the box that’s on the side of the truck. “Tell me something.”
“What do you wanna know?”
“Anything.” He volleys back.
“I love squirrels and geese,” I admit.
His body shakes with a laugh.
“What is so funny about my love for innocent animals?”
He sits up and rests his back against the truck. “It’s just random. And not an animal I expected you to like.”
“Fine. Expect the unexpected with me, Mr. Montgomery. What’s your favorite candy?”
“Twix. I have some stashed at home and work.”
“And you manage to keep them away from Dylan?” I ask.
“I like that you’re not afraid to ask about him.”
I sit up and move next to him. “He’s a part of you. And don’t tell him I told you, but he’s my favorite student this year.”
“Did having a strikingly handsome father play a role in that?”
“You are?—”
His arm slides around my waist and holds me tighter to him. “Dashing. One of a kind. Exquisite…”
“I’m now going to go with full of himself. And there's no mistaking that Dylan is your son.”
“My work here is done.” Adam says with a show of crossing his arms and putting them behind his head.
We talk in between the movie finishing. Adam tells jokes that have me burying my face in the blankets so I don’t disturb the other watchers. I try and fail to scold him for his spicy jokes. When the movie credits roll, I realize I don’t want this date to end.
“This is one of the best dates I’ve been on.” I tell Adam as we fold the blankets.
He hops down from the truck and holds his hands out to me. “Have you been on a lot of first dates?”
“Now that you ask that, no. I’ve only been on one other first date and I was fourteen.” I tell him as I gather some blankets in my arms and move around to the backdoor.
We finish putting the rest of the things in the truck and then Adam helps me into the passenger seat. I watch him walk around to the driver’s side and then we’re off.
“What was your first date like?” He asks when we pull out onto the main road.
I smile remembering how nervous we were. “It was terrifying. We went to an ice cream shop that was down the street from our neighborhood.”
“Classic first date material. I’m impressed.”
“I was too. What was your first date?” I ask and turn to face him as best as I can with the seatbelt restraining me. The glow from the dash lights up his face and the green in his eyes is more slime green than forest green.