“Yeah. It was a sort of last-minute thing to come home. Luckily it was a direct flight so it wasn’t too bad.”
Brandon hands me a glass of wine and plops down in the corner of the couch.
“I’m sure your parents are glad to have you here,” Jeff states and I smile in return. “You’re still teaching, right?”
I take a sip of wine for something to do. “I am. And it’s good. I like the district I’m teaching in and the school that I’m at. The kids are great. Plus, it’s not far from my apartment either.”
“Do you go to a lot of football games?” Evan asks.
“Since I live so close to the stadium one would think. But no. I’m still not much of a football fan.”
Conversation is awkward. Almost enough for me to want to crawl out of my skin. But not enough to leave this house. This place holds too many good memories to outweigh the tragic moment that bonds us.
It’s like I can feel James here. And maybe that’s why I feel so comfortable in this house.
Michelle clears her throat and our attention goes to her. “I know it’s not my business but I want to know more about your life. Who you’re hanging out with. If you’re dating.”
“Um,” I think of how to answer that. “I’m still hanging out with the girls. Not much dating has happened in the last couple of years. But maybe soon? I, uh, actually went to visit James when I got off the plane. I don’t know, I think he gave me the sign I was looking for.”
“That’s good honey. All we want is your happiness and we know that’s what he would want.”
I look down into my wine glass and smile attempting to hold the tears back. “I’m getting there.” Is what I finally tell them. “But enough about me. What’s new with all of you?”
“Brandon is dating someone but he won’t tell us who.” Malcolm pipes up from across the room. I can almost see the laser beams Brandon shoots at Malcom.
“Do I know her?” I probe.
He clears his throat. “Maybe.”
We silently war with each other and hopefully, my look conveys that he’ll tell me later.
“So what else?’ I cheerfully ask.
Conversation finally flows. The boys talk over one another as they tell me everything they’ve been up to. And I don’t miss the smile from Michelle as they interact with me.
When James died, I had no clue how to navigate theafter. While I’ve always considered James’s family my family, that chance was taken from us to make it official. Although blood doesn’t make someone family, having my name tied to them, would have been the next best thing.
I look at my watch and realize I’ve been here for longer than planned. When I announce I need to leave, groans of protestsound. It makes me laugh because these are the exact reactions they had when we were younger. Michelle makes the boys and I get together for a group picture. The goodbyes take another thirty minutes before Brandon walks me to the door.
“So…who is she?” I ask in the foyer.
His eyes bug out and he holds his finger to his lips to keep me quiet.
I do a happy dance and silently cheer. “I do know her!”
Brandon ushers me outside and walks me down the driveway.
“Tell me. The anticipation is killing me.”
“It’s, Angie.” Brandon says after looking over his shoulder to ensure we’re alone.
I go through the list of people we may mutually know. “Who?”
“Angie. Well, Angela to people that don’t know her.” He holds my stare and the longer he does it clicks.
“Shut up!” I smack him on the arm. “Liam’s sister? Wow. Has your Dad even spoken to Mr. Taylor since the accident?”
Like I’m any better. While I wasn’t close to the Taylor’s, Liam was still James’s best friend. And to have your son taken from you unexpectedly, and in that way, has to put a strain on whatever friendship the parents had.