Adam flips our position and I wrap a leg around his waist as he moves his semi-hard cock inside of me.
Us taking it slow.
How we started is a metaphor to how we end the night.
The sizzling of the bacon overtakes the beating of my heart. School has been out for about a month and in that time, Emily and I have snuck in more time together. But sneaking around and making excuses to run out of the house have become exhausting.
“Baby, I’m tired.” Emily tells me as we watch the sunset.
I know she’s not metaphorically tired, so this must be about how our relationship has been closed door.
“I know,” I start and wrap my arm around her, pulling her closer. “I think I’m gonna tell him tomorrow morning.”
Her hand weaves through mine. “I don’t want to rush you if you’re not ready.”
“I’m ready. I want my two favorite people in one spot.”
“I want that, too.”
I flip the bacon and get started on the pancakes. Am I trying to butter Dylan up with his favorite breakfast foods? Does that make me a bad parent or a smart parent? I’m thinking through the best way to tell Dylan I’m dating his teacher when he barrels down the stairs.
“Hey, buddy.”
“Hi, Daddy.”
Taking the bacon off the stove, I place it on the island and face my son.
“So I wanted to talk to you about something,” I start and turn back around to flip the pancakes.
Dylan’s munching on the crispy bacon drowns out my ragged exhale.
When I turn back around his eyes are solely on the bacon and if I don’t take the plate away, he’ll eat it all. I do just that and his eyes finally meet mine.
“I’m dating someone.”
His little forehead scrunches as he tries to figure out what that means. “Like boyfriend and girlfriend?”
“Yeah. Like that.”
“Is she pretty?”
His question brings a smile to my face. “Yeah, buddy. I think she’s very pretty.”
I plate the pancakes and eggs on the island. Dylan loves strawberry jelly and butter on his pancakes so I get that out for him along with the syrup for me. He slathers on the strawberry and I look on in mock horror. I’ll never know where he picked that taste up.
“When do I get to meet her?”
Oh, right. We were talking about my dating. “I was thinking at your game on Saturday?”
Dylan shovels a piece of pancake in his mouth and chews, then tries to talk with his mouth full but it comes out garbled.
“Chew your food first, kiddo.”
I chew my food as Dylan chews as fast as he can. I watch with amusement as I see his little jaws work overtime.