“Being at the hands of Chelsea, just waiting for her next move, has me terrified that the things she says or does will tear us apart and I don’t want that.”
“Is she that cruel? Or do you have that little faith that I’m not with you 100%? Because I meant what I said. I am with you every step of the way. No ex-wife is going to scare me away,” Emily claims.
I press my lips to hers and swallow down her gasp of surprise. Emily meets my enthusiasm and moves over to straddle my lap. My hands fall to her hips and I roughly grind her over my cock pulling a moan from her.
“Move in with me–us,” I blurt.
She pulls back. Lips swollen from our kiss, eyes half-lidded, and cheeks flushed. “What?”
“I know it’s fast. But you’re the only one I want. You’re the only one I’ve wanted for the last year.” Am I saying this because I’m scared? Probably.
“What’s wrong with what we have now?”
Yeah, Adam. Whatiswrong with what you two have now?“I thought you’d want more. But just forget about it.”
“Hey,” she turns my face back towards her. “Don’t do that. Don’t dismiss me like that. Your emotions are all over the place. You can say that they’re not, but they are. Do I see us living together? Baby, of course, I do. Since that night I crossed the line that's all I’ve thought about.” Emily leans forward and our foreheads rest against the other. “But I don’t want you saying or asking me things like this when your life is changing.”
“So you’re saying no.”
“I’m saying not right now. Adam, I am in love with you. That still scares me. Moving to the next step with you scares me.”
Am I knocked down by her rejection? Yes. If my mind wasn’t so clouded with lawyers and Chelsea, would I have asked Emily at this moment? Probably not. I know we’ve moved at a steadypace since summer started and maybe I should have brought this up in a year. Did I set us back?
Emily’s body relaxes into me and I realize she’s fallen asleep. Carefully, I adjust her and get up with her still in my arms. The house is quiet when we come in from the backyard and I assume they’re still at the ice cream shop. With each step up the stairs, my mind thinks back. I wish I could go back and wish I never asked her to move in. She knew why I asked. Hell, I knew why I asked.
I push open my bedroom door with my foot and softly close it, maneuvering to flick the lock and close us in for the night. Walking over to Emily’s side of the bed, because yes she now has her own side, I pull back the comforter and sheets then set her on the edge of the bed. She manages to stay upright, so I unclasp her sandals and pull her dress up and off her body as well as the thin bra she decided to wear but is actually useless.
“Adam,” she mumbles with her eyes still closed.
I kiss her on the forehead. “Lay back, baby.”
Emily lays down, resting her head on the pillow and I pull the covers over her. I round the side of the bed and strip down to my boxer briefs and climb into bed, pulling Emily into me. Her breaths even out again and she links our hands together before releasing another sigh and falling back to sleep.
I wakeup to Emily rubbing her fingertips up and down my torso. It’s still dark outside and I doubt we were asleep for long. My left arm wraps around her and I press a kiss to her forehead.
“I’m sorry,” she whispers as if she’s afraid to wake the house.
“Whatever for?” I ask as I run my hand up and down her arm for my comfort more than hers.
“I don’t like this weirdness between us. And I know that we’ll have fights and not everything is going to be a cloudless sky, but you asking me to move in disarmed me.”
“No, you were right. I let my emotions take over. I shouldn’t have sprung that on you. So, I’m the one who’s sorry.”
She weaves her leg between mine and snuggles closer, releasing a huge sigh. “I love knowing I was right.”
“Oh, did you now?” I ask and move my hands to tickle her. She tries to move away but my hands are magnetized to her body. I show no mercy as I straddle her body and continue my playful assault until she calls it.
“Mercy,” Emily pants out and moves her hair back off her face. Her naked chest heaves and I can’t keep my eyes off of her. The air changes from playful to heavy. “Take your boxers off,” Emily commands.
I slide off the edge of the bed and do as she says. My cock springs free, bobbing and bouncing off my stomach. Mercy. I’m at her mercy.
“Now climb back up here,” she orders.
I obey her order and climb back up on the bed. Emily places her hands on my hips and pulls me forward. Moving my body until I’m practically sitting on her chest. She slides down until my cock bumps her chin.
“Be a good boy and grab onto the headboard,” she demands before taking me in her fist and licking at the pre-cum before sucking on my tip.
“Oh, fuck, Em,” I choke out as one hand lands on the headboard and the other on the top of her head. She pulls me even closer so my cock slides to the back of her throat causing her to gag. “Shit, baby, I don’t want to hurt you.”