“Adam, if the parents can reach an understanding, then the court would speed this along. But she also signed her rights away when you two divorced. So we have that red tape to cut through,” Max tells me pointedly. “Look, let me do my job. In the meantime I need you to keep any and all records of if and when Chelsea comes around. Keep your head straight.”
Keep my head straight.Like it’s so easy to do. My ex-wife wants me back. My ex-wife wants to be a mother. My ex-wife is a total pain in my ass.
I pull into my driveway and slam my head against the headrest before heading inside. My parents are in town for a while and having them here while I was at the lawyers office was a weight off my chest. Dylan also requested that Emily come over while I was out and when I walk into the living room, I find them snuggled on the couch watchingIron Man.
Emily and my parents meet my eyes and they read the frustration. Her eyes flick upstairs, signaling to go up there. Nodding, I see her kiss the side of Dylan’s head and untangle herself from his grasp. She loves him the way a mother should. Not with conditions. But she loves him because of me. And I couldn’t have asked for a better partner than Emily.
I’ve just made it into my bedroom when Emily comes in and closes the door. I was already at Max’s office when she got here and I’m finally taking her in. The navy blue dress she wears stops just above her knees with barely there straps. Her time spentwith us at the pool and regular outside summer activities has given her a golden complexion. Emily’s hair falls in loose waves down her back and sways with her steps as she moves into my space.
“How did it go?” She asks and rests her hands on my waist.
I clasp my hands at the small of her back and look into the eyes of the woman I love. “Max said if we go to court it could take a minimum of three months and a maximum of two years.”
“What? But what judge would even decide to take this case further? She hasn’t been around in years,” Emily says what I’ve been saying since Chelsea decided to come back and spew her nonsense.
“That’s what Max said. He’s hopeful we don’t go to court, but if we do, I want to prepare you. If I know Chelsea like I think I do, she’ll stop at nothing to tear me down.”
“What could she possibly do or say that would destroy your character?”
I bring my hand up and smooth the crinkle on her forehead. “She’ll say I was a neglectful husband or that I trapped her into getting pregnant. God, it sounds asinine saying it out loud.”
“Baby, your fears are warranted. You’ve created a life here, something with Dylan that she’s now kicking herself in the ass for losing. Now she’s trying to come back since she’s in the mood to be a parent and that disrupts the life, the beautiful balance, you’ve created here with Dylan.”
My arms wrap around Emily as I soak in her words. “You always know the right things to say.”
“I spent a year listening to people’s condolences. Those words were bound to regurgitate somehow.”
“Stay the night,” I tell her.
“Of course, I’ll stay.”
It’sa rare night when Dylan doesn’t have baseball practice. Selfishly I’m glad because I get him to myself. Well, split between myself, Emily, and my parents. Dylan loves having his grandparents around and they love that they can spoil him rotten.
We’re in the backyard around the firepit when Dylan asks his grandparents if they can get some ice cream.
“I don’t know, buddy. It’s a little late,” I chime in from across the firepit.
“Please, Daddy. I promise it won’t keep me awake,” he gives me his puppy dog eyes that has Emily laughing into my arm.
She’s no help.
I look to my parents for an assist but they hide their smiles behind their drinks.
Also no help.
My head falls back and I look up at the stars. “One scoop. And I mean one scoop.” I watch as Dylan jumps up from one of the outdoor sofas and runs inside. My parents get up as well and follow after him. “Thank you!”
“You’re welcome, sweetheart,” my mom calls out.
Emily is still laughing beside me.
“You were absolutely no help,” I say as I try and fail to sound annoyed.
“But you caved so fast,” she heaves out through fading laughter. Emily’s laughter dies down as she looks into the fire. “What are you scared of?”
“Losing you,” I tell her.
Emily sits up and makes sure to face me. “You’re not going to lose me. Why would you say that?”