August 2010
One week ago…
The snickering sound of my closet door closing gives this move-in a bit of a series finale feeling.
“Promise to call every night?” My mom asks as she gives me a bone-crushing hug that only moms seem to possess the strength to do.
My dad and sister snort because they know that’s unrealistic. As the eldest daughter, I’m moving away from the nest for college. My mom is still coming to terms that her baby isn’t going to be in her room when she gets home from work.
“Yes Mom, I promise,” I say because I know it’s what she needs to hear.
My mom fusses with my hair as she continues to hug me as if she’ll never see me again. Her fresh laundry and lavender scent invade my senses, making me miss home already. I sink into her embrace a little bit more, knowing it’ll be a couple of more months before I have another hug like this.
When her hold on me gets tighter, I try with all my might to wiggle out of her embrace. The taps on her shoulder are going unnoticed so I do the one thing that’ll get her in gear…time. “You guys really should get back on the road. It’s a long drive back to Pennsylvania.”
I look around my dorm room with a happy smile on my face and misty eyes. I could pinch myself that I’m now in college. And my family just helped me move in what they could do in my dorm.
I’m finally a freshman at Carolina Southern University. My decision was based on the academic programs. PhilU had a good psychology program, but CSU had a stellar psychology program. But what also drew me to the university was the city of Columbia. It’s a quaint college town and the campus is beautiful. Not to mention the city is a history book in itself. It also doesn’t hurt that they have my mom’s sorority here as well, so I should be a shoo-in as a legacy.
Not that it was the reason that I chose this school.
I’m to the point where I’m not even sure I want to join a sorority.
“Mom, let Kamryn breathe.” My sister, Jax, says to coax her off of me.
“Okay, okay.” My mom finally says as she releases me.
As a family of four, we wander out of my dorm room and back down to the parking lot. It’s a little bittersweet for me as I’ve never been so far away from my family. But I’m determined to quite literally spread my wings.
My roommate and I, fortunately, have already become incredibly close. When I got my match, I instantly looked her up on Facebook and it turns out we have a few things in common. We’ve been in contact since becoming Facebook friends and she’s set to move in tomorrow. With her likingsports and having an eclectic taste in music, my hope is that our friendship can thrive. It’s what I worried about when having a roommate chosen for me as I don’t make friends that are girls easily.
Once in the parking lot, my dad pulls me into a brief but tight hug. “Have fun kiddo. Just not too much fun. I’d rather not become a grandpa just yet.”
Oh lord. “I promise to stay in-tact.” I say with a wink. I’m far from in-tact, but I refuse to talk about that with my dad.
We’re an open family, but some things have to remain private.
My mom comes to hug me again. “My sweet baby girl. I miss you already. But I know you’re going to enjoy every last bit of college. Let me know when rush week starts.”
“Mom, I’m not sure when rush week is. But I will keep you updated.”
Next is my sister, best friend, and my partner in crime when it comes to keeping our parents on their toes.
“What am I gonna do for the next two years?” My sister asks as she hugs me.
“I’m sure you’ll manage. It’s your turn to rule the school and to live it up! Go to all of the football and basketball games, take a ton of pictures, and maybe even sneak into a college party. Just do all the fun things that I did in high school. I have officially passed the torch to you.” I tell my sister this with the utmost love.
Despite the two-year age difference between my sister and me, we grew up very close. We did a lot of stuff together: art, sports, music, and photography. It helped solidify our bond. I know my sister felt a bit in my shadows by always being compared to me. My hope for her is thatshe’s able to leave her stamp at school as Jax and not Kamryn’s little sister.
With a final hug and a kiss on the cheek from my family, I watch them pile in the car and slowly drive off.
I tell myself I will not cry. But before one tear can slip down my face, I’m startled as I’m crushed by some strong arms. “Parents are gone!”
My heart rate spikes before I realize it’s Liam.
“Oh my gosh! Get off of me weirdo!” I exclaim and shrug his arms off of me before turning around to face him.