Page 51 of The Night We Met

That gets a chuckle out of me and I lean up on my tiptoes and kiss Liam on the cheek. “Maybe one day. I’ll see you around Liam.”

“Yeah, see ya.”

August 2013

You’d think that summer would slow down a little. It came and went in the blink of an eye. After running into Liam that day I hadn’t seen him for the rest of the summer. That might’ve also been because I changed my running route. It was just easier to avoid someone than it was to confront them. At least that’s been my motto this past year.

Just because Liam and I had that mini heart-to-heart, doesn’t mean we’re back to being besties.

But now I’m back at school a week earlier for prospective students. Since it’s my senior year, I decided to get more involved on campus. I’m already involved with a lot of activities, but what’s one more thing?

It’s the following Monday and a tour is set up. Who sets up a tour on Monday? That’s right…my school!

“And here is the Art Building. You’ll find Graphic Design, Fashion, Photography, Fine Art…basically anything that involves thinking outside the box.” When we complete our walk-through of the Arts Building, we make our way across campus. I answer questions as needed. Some questions are serious and some questions are not. I put more effort into the serious questions.

“Next we have the Athletic Building. While I can’t get in there on my badge alone, it's where all of the coaches' main offices are, the athletes have their own auditorium, and they have a communal weight room.” Even while I voice the group through what’s held in this building, I’m still in awe. This university continues to dish out whatever they can for the breadwinners. I can’t say I blame them. School spirit is high when all of the teams have winning records.

We continue our walk across the quad. It takes me back to my first time touring here. I did three tours, just to be sure I wasn’t making any rash decisions to possibly come to school with my best friend. When we weren’t talking, there were days I regret coming here. But I push that regret away when I realize all I’ve got to experience here. “And over there is the Liberal Arts Building, next to it is the Science Building, and then across the quad is the Library, and next to that is the cafeteria. Any final questions?”

The tour continues in the same way. Questions, answers, in a building, and out of a building. I have access to all of the buildings that I wish to have. The walk around campus is long. But we manage to cover all of the bases in terms of academics.

A bunch of hands shoot up. Such eager beavers. I point to a shy looking girl. “What is your major?”

“I was a psychology major. And then I made the switch to Fashion.” She and the others look at me inquisitively, so I expand on the ‘why’ I made the switch. I had some personal reasons for making this switch. But ultimately I hope to weave psychology and fashion together.” This answer seems to appease them and maybe confuse them. But I choose not to expand any further. “Next question.”

A preppy looking freshman boy asks, “Where are the fraternity houses?”

I arch a finely plucked eyebrow at him. “This university is so much more than Greek Life. So if you’re only deciding to come to CSU for Greek Life, then you should reevaluate why you want to come to this school. They look for more than just physical looks. You have to have the grades, a good social media background, extracurricular activities, and some recommendations from former teachers.”

“What sorority are you in?”

“Uh, I don’t remember saying that I was in one. But I am in one.”

“Which one?”

“Kappa Beta. I was a legacy.”

A well-put-together girl that I have a feeling will rush as soon as she can, speaks up, “Wait your last name isn’t Rawlins is it?”

“Yes it is.”

“OMG! Your family is a legend in the Greek world.”

I give a tight-lipped smile, “Thanks.”

I continue on with the final stop on the tour for them. As sports are huge at this school, I take them to the closest outdoor facility which happens to be the baseball field. In the distance, I see some of the baseball players are walking out of the fieldhouse when we get there, and they happen to be Liamand Chance.

Chance pulls me into a bear hug and spins me around before noticing our audience with shocked looks on their faces. “Fresh meat?”

I lightly punch him on the arm. “No. Prospective students. Giving them the tour…all that good stuff. The baseball field was the last stop.”

“Interesting…” Chance starts and then turns to the wide-eyed newbies. “Well, I’m Chance. Shortstop. And this ugly guy right here is Liam. Star pitcher.”

Liam gives them a shy little wave and his gaze sneaks over to me.

“Any questions children?” Chance asks them.

A bunch of hands shoot up and I shoot Chance a devilish grin. “Answer away Mr. Popular.”