“Since I have you right here again, do you mind if I get your number? Since I was the loser.” He asks me very nervously.
A snort escapes before I can stop it. “Sure. But does that line ever work for you?”
“It has until now.”
This gets a laugh out of me. “Give me your phone.” Once he unlocks it and I type in my number, send myself a text, and then I hand it back to him. “Only use it if you really need to.”
“I intend to. I’ll see you around Kamryn.”
“Bye, Mason.” A blush and smile covers my cheeks as I walk away from him.
I close the door to my dorm with a huff. Tossing my bag onto the floor and flopping onto my bed.
“What’s up with you?” Sarah asks from her spot at her desk.
“I literally crashed into someone today. And not just any old someone. A hot, tall, and athletic Mason. I dissolved into a puddle of mush when I looked into his eyes.”
Sarah’s chuckling at my rant. “Okay. Slow it down now. Now tell me what happened?”
So I go into how I was texting Jax when I walked out of class and wasn’t paying attention to where I was actually walking when I ran into someone. I omit the fumbling and gawking I did. She’d tease me for eternity.
“Wait, you ran into Mason? How did you not recognize it was him?” Sarah asks, barely containing her laugh. “This is too priceless.”
My eyes widened in response. “Sarah, it's not funny! Plus I told him he looked different in workout clothes. UGH! Why was it so much easier to talk to him at a party than it was in a hallway?”
“Maybe it’s because you didn’t have the alcohol cloud surrounding you? I tend to lose the beer goggles once the lights turn on.” She says with a finishing smirk.
“Oh hush!” I say and dissolve into a fit of giggles.
The party where I met Mason was…it was a dream. So it’s been a little over a week since I’ve seen Mason. How I forgot what he looked like I have no idea. His voice has been the star of my most recent fantasies since we met.
In our hysteria my phone pings with an incoming text from an unknown, but South Carolina, number.
“It’s him!”
“What does he want?” She asks as she looks at me expectantly.
“To know if I want to go to dinner with him on Tuesday.”
“If you don’t say yes, I will.” Sarah says with a wink.
Me: What did you have in mind?
Mason: Pizza?
Me: Sounds good to me.
After watching him at the game on Saturday and then being near each other at another party afterward but never engaging in conversation with one another, I realized just how out of my league I was. That night we were very coy with one another. He was getting praise the whole night for helping the team to another win for the season. The small glances we shared were enough to have me wanting to shout from the rooftop that we’re going on a date.
Before I know it, it’s Tuesday. And the butterflies are taking flight the only way a first date can do.
I’ve gone through almost my entire closet and Sarah’s trying to help me figure out what to wear.
“Kam relax! It’s just a casual date.” She states attempting to calm me down.
“Yeah. With a hunky quarterback. Why am I so nervous?”