Page 14 of The Night We Met

I look over my shoulder at her to see her looking at my bed. The sheets and comforter haphazardly on the bed and floor.

Ripping what’s left of them off my bed, I toss them in the hamper with a mental promise to wash them after my final class. I walk back over to the small vanity and pull out my lip gloss.

“I could say the same about you.” Mascara is caked under her eyes and her shirt is inside out.

She smirks at me before plopping down on her bed. “Let’s just say that walls and desks will never be the same for me.”

My hand holding my lip gloss pauses. “Sarah!”

“Who knew a volleyball player had such upper body strength?” Her maniacal laughter pops free as she gathers her things.

I can’t stop the laugh from escaping me as she walks out of our room to the showers. Her walls and desks comment hit me a little harder than it should have. Remembering where Liam had me last night sends a tingle down my spine.

Checking the time, I book it out of my dorm and to class. My phone buzzes with a text and I smile as I see my sister’s name.

Jax: Hey, sissy.

Me: Hey dork. How’s life? Miss me yet?

Jax: Volleyball is starting so I’ve barely had time to miss you

Me: *eye roll emoji* Whatever

I’ve been here for almost two weeks. To be honest, I haven’t been as homesick as I thought I would be. Sure I miss plopping on the couch with my family and getting sucked into whatever TV show my dad deems his favorite at the moment. But other than that, this newfound “adult” life has worked for me.

The blast of cool air as I open the door to the liberal arts building brings me back to my studious persona. I was a smart kid in high school. Honors and AP classes. But history was my only tough class.

I manage to make it through the rest of the day relatively unscathed. With thoughts of what happened with Liam running through my mind. Did we cross the line? Does he have another hookup? Does he want more than a hookup? God I want more than anything for it to happen again. He scratched an itch I didn’t know I had.

Thinking back to the “revenge” kiss to our agreement, I find nothing amiss. I take a seat at the fountain in the quad and decide to fire off a text to him.

Me: Hey, I hope everything is okay today.

Liam: It is. Meet me in the empty classroom across from the athletic hallway.

My senses heighten. Curiosity wins as I make my way over to the athletics wing. My not being an athlete has kept me from this part of campus. As I walk the building, my senses are on overload. The athletes here are treated like royalty. As they should. The teams bring in thousands, sometimes millions, of dollars from each sport alone. I pass atrophy case of the winnings from the women’s and men’s sports.

Me: What room?

Liam: Do you see my flashlight?

Speed walking towards the dimly lit room with a light moving, I look around to make sure no one sees me. He’s up to something, I just hope it’s what I think it is.

A startled yelp leaves me as a hand grabs me. Liam’s hand covers my mouth and laughter in his eyes.

“You know I don’t do well being scared.” I scold him.

From the time we no longer needed our parents to accompany us for trick-or-treating, Liam and I got in all kinds of mischief on Halloween. But his favorite has always been scaring me. He would even hide in plain sight and he would still manage to get a little scream out of me.

“That’s what makes this so much fun.” Liam responds. “Speaking of fun and scaring, how about we have a little fun ourselves?”

He turns and closes the door with a quiet snick, then turns around to face me.

My cheeks burn. With either desire or shock. I truly can’t decide. “Are you talking about sex in a classroom?” My voice comes out in a panicked whisper. The terrifying notion that we could be caught isn’t lost on me.

“Why not? No one is in here but us. And I’ve missed your pussy squeezing the life out of my cock.” He says it so nonchalantly like he’s talking about the weather and not sex.

With a flutter of my eyelashes, “Well, when you put it so sweetly.”