I grab Damon and Mackenzie’s hands and lead them to the couch, sitting between them as Cormac passes out the beers before joining Royce on the loveseat across from us.
Listening to Royce explain about the auction—which I’m a little jealous I missed, but I’m also sworn to secrecy about—and how he managed to get both Damon and Mackenzie invites lead into a conversation about why they needed to be in the auction in the first place. More tears are shed as I realize all they’ve gone through without me by their sides, making me hate myself for not reaching out to them.
The tears turn to laughter when Royce tells us how he walked in on the two of them having sex in the dressing room and Mackenzie came as soon as her eyes locked with his. Apparently, we have a little exhibitionist on our hands—I approve. My cock swells as he tells us about the two of them giving him head in the back of the limo, and I’m man enough to admit I’m jealous as hell.
“You did all of this for me?” I ask, blinking back tears as I glance between my men.
“Not just for you,” Cormac reminds me. “My birthday is tomorrow, and we have plans for all three of you. But tonight? That’s just for the three of you. We want you to have time to catch up with one another and do whatever you want.”
I ignore his wink—or at least I try to. My dick doesn’t seem to get the memo as it perks up even more.
“Is this why you gave me the extra room?” I ask, eyeing my lovers.
Royce nods. “While we couldn’t be sure that either or both of them were selected for the auction, we hoped they would be and wanted you to have your privacy.”
I squeeze Damon and Mackenzie’s hands before standing and moving around the coffee table. I straddle Royce’s lap first, leaning in to kiss him before saying thank you. When I try to move to Cormac’s lap, Royce’s hands tighten on my hips, holding me in place as he pulls me in for another kiss.
His tongue strokes mine as he grinds into me, his cock hard and wanting. When he pulls back, he lifts me onto Cormac’s lap—not an easy feat considering I’m almost as big as he is. I might be the smallest of the three of us, but we’re talking half inches and maybe twenty pounds between us.
Cormac kisses me with the same intensity, and this time, it’s me grinding into him. I want nothing more than for the two of them to strip me bare and use me as their toy.
All thoughts of Mackenzie and Damon are wiped from my mind in a haze of heat and desire—until a whimper spills from Mackenzie. I tear myself away from Cormac, spinning on his lap to look at her. She flushes under the gaze of all four of us.
“Why is that so hot?” she finally mumbles, keeping her eyes locked with mine. I smile, turning to press one last kiss on Cormac’s lips before standing.
“It’s hot because we’re hot. Duh.” I yelp as both Cormac and Royce’s hands slap down on my ass. “What was that for?”
Royce lifts an eyebrow. “You know what it was for.”
I frown because I really have no idea, but then it dawns on me. “Because I said duh? Really?”
This time, it’s only Cormac’s hand that comes down on my ass, but it’s across both cheeks, and I yelp again. They don’t pull their blows when spanking me.
“I know you’re excited to see your friends,” Cormac says quietly, his hand rubbing gently across my ass. “But you know better than to sass us.”
Once again, I have to fight not to roll my eyes as I turn back to face them. “You’re right. I’m sorry, daddy. I’ll do better. Can we go to my room now?”
“Give us a kiss first,” Royce demands, and I’m bending over to kiss them before I even have a chance to register his words.
After giving them both a kiss, I turn back to Damon and Mackenzie to see them watching me. Mackenzie’s eyes are hooded as she licks her lips, her desire clear. Damon looks amused, but based on the tent in his pants, he’s turned on as well.
Lifting my eyebrows, I gesture toward my room. “Shall we?”
“Yes, we shall,” Mackenzie responds as both of them push to their feet.
“Don’t do anything we wouldn’t do,” Cormac calls over his shoulder as the three of us walk toward my room.
“Okay, daddy, we won’t,” Mackenzie calls back, winking at me over her shoulder.
I chuckle, shutting the door behind us. “You’re going to get in trouble teasing them like that.”
“Who says I was teasing?” she asks saucily. “Royce knows my kinks. They were read out at the auction—I have a daddy kink. Though, I guess I should ask if what you share is age play or just a daddy kink.”
“Not age play. Just the everyday daddy kink. I guess it shouldn’t be surprising considering my terrible relationship with my father.”
Damon scoffs. “Let’s not talk about that asshole.”
Mackenzie grabs my hand and squeezes. “You know that’s not what daddy kinks are all about, right? Yes, sometimes they can stem from daddy issues, but not always. I don’t have any daddy issues. Sometimes, we just like what we like.”