I stopped dead in my tracks as I realized what the car we were riding in would be. I was expecting a small bus or large van, instead, it was a limo. The driver opened the two doors so we could climb in. He waited for each of us to settle comfortably in the back before closing the doors and sitting in the driver's seat.

"You ladies ready?" Amanda's mom asked. A wide smile crossed her face as if she were a child in a candy store and had just been told she could buy as much candy as she wanted.

I sat back in my seat. The warm leather heated my muscles and relaxed the remaining tension left in my body.

The limo inched forward and I watched as we left the resort and turned into the main city. We passed a multitude of buildings that all looked like they had come from the 1800’s and were just upgraded over the years until they slowly morphed into newer, upgraded buildings. Everyone inside continued their conversations from earlier.

"So," Amanda said and leaned close to me. "You disappeared on us last night. Couldn't handle the club?"

I blushed and turned away. I didn't want to tell her what happened. I wasn't sure if it was a good idea to let her know. It wasn't like I knew which of the bridesmaids was Jared's daughter and I didn't want to cause problems this early in the vacation either.

Mandi didn't get that I didn't want to talk about it as she leaned forward.

"You should have seen her. Walking into the room with her panties still in her hand and a smile that wouldn't go away." She winked at me, "Must have been a good fuck if he made her happy afterward."

Amanda gave a fake gasp. "Really? Who was it?"

I sank in my seat and exchanged a look with Amanda's mom who looked like she had a mixture of curiosity but also frustration at the idea of us talking about a one-night stand while in the limo.

"I'd rather not talk about it," I muttered.

Amanda rolled her eyes. "Come on. It's not like I can enjoy those things anymore. You need to share the details, Kim."

The limo slowed to a stop to my relief. We all stepped out into the sunny morning with the smell of bacon and steak drifting through the air. My stomach grumbled, reminding me that I hadn't eaten for a while.

The conversations drifted back to random topics as everyone forgot about my one-night stand once again. Not even Mandi brought it back up.

"Can I get you ladies, anything?" The waitress asked. She eyed us all up and down and then at some of the others at different tables. No one else was dressed nearly as formally as we were.

"Mimosas all around," Amanda's mom ordered.

No one argued with her. She was paying for the meal, so if she was willing to cover alcohol this early, it wasn't our place to deny it. We each ordered our food, I chose a plate of steak bites and hash browns. Nothing too fancy, but I needed the protein to cover my hunger for the rest of the day until dinner if we didn't stop anywhere for snacks.

Amanda's phone buzzed and she pulled it out of the pocket in her dress, "Dang it," she hissed.

"What's wrong, sweetheart?" her mom asked and leaned forward as if she could see what Amanda was looking at.

"Carl doesn't know either."

I choked a little on my drink and tapped my chest, "What?"

Amanda turned her phone toward me. "I asked your brother if he saw you last night with anyone, but he wasn't paying attention after we split in the club last night."

Another text came in from Carl with a picture of George Clooney then another message.Probably looks like that.

I blushed and averted my gaze from the phone. "That's not funny," I mumbled.

The other girls leaned closer to look at Amanda's phone.

Mandi let out a low whistle, "Didn't know you were into the silver fox types, Kim."

"They're just more experienced is all." I didn't want to play the game of question and answer. I didn't want any of them to know who it was.

Amanda's mom shot Amanda a glare, "That's enough of that talk," she snapped. "We're here to enjoy ourselves and celebrate Amanda getting married. Not who's enjoying an evening with others."

I let out a sigh of relief. Despite how irritated her mom looked, she was the only reason I could avoid the discussion any further. No one would argue with her today.

"Thank you," I mumbled and took a bite of my steak.