"Shit!" I shouted grabbing my arm. The bone reverberated inside from the sudden hit on my humorous bone.

"You ok? Didn't think you were calling us here to take you to the hospital again." He squeezed my shoulder, and sat down next to me at the table, "You were staring off into space, and we didn't want to bother you," he jutted his chin toward the counter. "Amanda is getting our drinks so we can chat."

I waved at Amanda, and turned back to Carl. The smile on his face made my heart sink a little more. I wondered how quickly that smile would disappear once they learned the truth. Would he still be the supporting older brother I loved? For a moment, I wondered if it was better not to tell them. Maybe I should stick with option one, and continue to be Jared’s secret mistress. It would make everything easier in the long run for everyone. I would stay out of the news and remain hidden with our child, while Jared could keep his life intact.

“So? What did you want to talk about?”

Amanda sat across from me and put a hand on Carl’s. The gentleness of her presence calmed my nerves. I sucked in a deep breath. I needed to get this over with, before I lost my nerve. I had agreed with Jared, and I wasn't going to back down now. I wanted to be with him and that meant I had to face anything that came our way.

"It's about the hospital visit."

Carl nodded, "Dad already told us the pregnancy test came back positive."

Amanda stretched her hand out toward me, "I know we don't have a lot of money, but if you need help, we're here for you."

I shook my head, "No, I don't need any financial support. That's already taken care of, and I'm taking on a few side gigs to save up."

Carl glanced down at my stomach, "Then... are you... you know..." He lowered his voice. "Are you planning to abort it?"

"No!" I said it a little too loud, and shrank back in my seat. "No, not that either."

"Then what is it, sis?"

I closed my eyes and counted to three to gather my nerves, "I know who the father is."

They both stiffened and stared at me earnestly, waiting for me to continue.

"During your wedding, remember the mystery guy I was seeing?"

Amanda gasped, "Don't tell me."

I nodded and continued, "Well, he wasn't exactly mysterious. He..." I took a sip of my coffee. "Well, he was a mystery at first."

"Was I right? Was it one of the groomsmen?"

"No, that was a completely wrong guess," I forced a smile. "As they said, he's too young for me."

I reached for my phone in my pocket. I wasn't sure how I could word it without everyone in the cafe hearing. I didn't know how many would know Jared by name.

"You remember Mandi's dad, right?"

"The grumpy guy?" Carl asked. "Yeah, I remember him a little. He talked more with dad than anyone else the entire time. I know dad's been meeting with him recently--"

Suddenly Carl'smouth dropped open, as if a lightbulb had turned on in his head.


I nodded meekly, "Yeah." I opened my photos app and turned my phone around to a recent photo from the other day, of Jared and me sitting together on the couch, "Ironically the first guy I've ever been with like that, ended up getting me pregnant."

Amanda let out an audible gasp,and covered her mouth, "I can't--Kim!" She let out a little shriek. "Seriously? Have you told your dad?"

"Not yet," I put my phone away and cupped my mug of coffee. "I figured the two of you were a better option to... test the waters. I don't know how dad will react to the news. Probably yell at me or something."

"I mean, I could see dad doing that," Carl puffed up his chest. "You're going to make me a grandfather and chose a grumpy old man to help make it happen? I should ground you until you're seventy, young lady."

I covered my mouth to stop laughing too hard. It was a horrible impersonation, but it was pretty accurate too. I could imagine dad wanting to make it impossible for me to see Jared again after he found out. If he couldn't stop me, then he might try to fight him instead. That wouldn't end well for either of them.

"You think your dad would be that upset about who the father is?" Amanda made a small pouting face, "He seems like he'd understand if you just told him honestly."