I stole your number from Mandi's phone.

Does she know?His answers were short and to the point. I wasn't sure how to feel about them. Maybe I was used to texting people my age. I had to keep my mind open to the possibilities and not let anxiety get the better of me.

She doesn't. So let's keep this a secret between you and me.

I added a winking kissy face at the end, hoping he would respond positively to it. He sent a thumbs up and I groaned. I couldn't even complain to Mandi or anyone about how he texted. After a few minutes, he sent another message.

I don't normally text people, sorry. It's not something I'm a fan of.

Could you be a fan for me?Again, I sent another emoji with the question.

We were entering the club now. I followed near the back so I could keep my focus on my phone. Finally, he responded with an emoji of a person thinking. Then another message came in.

I think I can do that if you're willing to pay the price for it.

He added a winking face at the end, and I chuckled. He was trying at least. I couldn't fault him, and I was thankful he was willing to text me despite not liking it. The fact that he didn't text often made sense with the delay in his answer.

It's a deal.

Inside, the bar was completely different from what I had expected. At one end of the building was a casual bar setting with a television playing some random sport and on the other was an entire dance floor. I straightened in excitement. This wasn't what I was expecting at all today.

"Alright ladies. No paying for drinks tonight!" Mandi called out. "Drinks are on me and we get the club to ourselves and a few surprise guests." She smirked and winked at us.

I downed another shot of what the bartender calledThree Wisemen Go Hunting. It was strong and there was no way I could do another without getting too out of control, but I needed extra motivation to keep going for the night.

Three men on elevated platforms were dancing. Half their clothes were already off and most of the girls were either tossing dollar bills at the men or on the dancefloor themselves dancing.

I snapped a picture of me at the bar and sent it to Jared.

Too bad you're not here to enjoy this.

His heart reacted to it.

I puffed my cheeks out and shoved my phone in my pocket. Clearly, I needed to do better than that to get him to respond properly. I had to figure out something or it would ruin my mood.

"Kim!" Mandi called from the dance floor. "Stop moping over there and come join us."

I sighed and sidled off my chair and made my way to the dance floor. The music mixed with the energy of the others made me forget everything about Jared and his lack of texting etiquette. I swayed with the music, letting my hands explore my body, laughing with everyone else.

"Damn girl!" One of the others yelled out. "Kim out here trying to seduce all of us!"

I blushed and waved over at the group by the strippers. One of them had her phone out recording us, who I assumed was the one that had yelled a moment ago.

"Send that my way!" Mandi yelled out and then pulled my attention back to her. "Ignore them. Let's enjoy ourselves and later we can watch how silly we looked. I know I can't dance very well."

I shook my head, "You're fine."

Mandi pulled her phone out and smiled, "Looks like we're getting it early and damn she's right. If I were your boyfriend, I'd be jealous of us." She turned the phone around and I watched my dancing. It was mesmerizing and sexual in a hypnotic way.

"Can you send that to me?"

Mandi smirked and pulled her phone away, "Gonna send it to your friend? The one you've been meeting lately?"

"Of course. Like you said, get him a little jealous."

We wandered back over to the bar and as soon as Mandi sent over the video, I forwarded it to Jared.

Missing out on all this action.