Cool. We're on our way back here in a few.

I went to put my phone away to finish my lunch, but another text interrupted me. I wasn't the texting type. Calls were preferable, but so many wanted to just type what they wanted to say instead of just getting the message across in one shot.

I almost forgot. Moe got here this morning too. Day early.

I raised a brow and tried to figure out who Moe was. I didn't know a Moe.

Sorry. He said Maurice.

"Ah. That explains it." I put the phone face down on the table. Better to leave it out at this point. "Glad that old bastard made it. Need to see what he's been up to lately." I murmured to myself, digging into my burger again.

I waited nextto the check-in counter for the boys to return. I had finished eating before I got any messages they were back, so I assumed they were still driving.

An oversized white van pulled up in front of the hotel and multiple men piled out including Maurice. I raised my hand to wave them down and forced a smile. I wasn't exactly ecstatic at the idea of mingling with a bunch of guys I didn't know, but at least I had one friendly face I could turn to. Maurice had been a friend since high school and knew me better than most.

"It's good to see you, Jared," Maurice called out as he walked inside. "You haven't been waiting long, have you?"

I shook my head. "Nah. I enjoyed the quiet without y'all blubbering about and the girls all chattering."

"No, I don't blame you. I know my daughter isn't one to go out in big groups that often either, but she seemed to have closed in on a few friends while she's been here."

I nodded and took his hand in mine. "It's good to see you."

"You too."

"Dad?" A younger man behind Maurice called out.

"Oh! Shit, Jared, it's been a while. You remember my son Carl, right?"

I furrowed my brow. I remembered Maurice mentioning he had a son and daughter, but the last time I saw pictures he was barely out of diapers. "You sure that's your boy? He looks a bit too cleaned up to be related to you."

Carl laughed and put a hand on Maurice's shoulder. "Nah, I just have to look presentable, or Amanda will kill me. Or her mom will. I don't need my future in-laws wanting me dead before I finish the vows."

"You'll finish them and then probably be killed by one of them so Amanda can get some money out of it."

They both laughed.

"So, Amanda and you are the lucky couple this week?"

"Yep!" Carl beamed in pride, "I'm glad you were able to come. I know Dad has talked a lot about you and Mandi is always telling Amanda about what a great dad you’ve been to her, raising her by yourself and all."

Heat erupted around my ears at the thought of my daughter bragging about me. I wasn't used to hearing that. Mandi never said many great things about me to my face or to her friends as far as I knew.

Maurice glanced at his watch. "The girls should be back soon. You haven't met my daughter yet. I think the last time we talked, she was barely a few months old and your daughter was toddling around the place."

I cleared my throat. Thinking of how long it had been since Maurice and I really sat down to talk, was a little embarrassing. Almost twenty-two years. I was always too caught up with traveling or some random meetings and rarely took the time out for anyone outside of my family.

"I'm sure she's just as loud as you were back in the day." I pointed a thumb behind me. "Mind if we sit at the bar?"

Maurice raised a brow, “You sure? I don’t want to intrude on anything—"

"No, I'm fine. I’m just getting a soda for now anyway. Need to stay on my toes in case anything happens out here that could ruin my reputation." I definitely didn’t need some poorly captured photo spreading on social media.

Maurice turned to the others and raised his hand, "I'll catch up with y'all later." He nodded at Carl. "You should come with us too. You'll enjoy talking with Jared. He's a good guy. Even if he’s a little thorny around the edges."

Carl looked as if he was about to protest then sighed, "Fine. I was hoping to join them for a few games of pool, but I can do that later."

The bar was quiet. Not too many were looking to drink anything just yet. Those that were drinking were enjoying lighter drinks that wouldn't get them heavily drunk. I imagined they would be drinking until late into the evening.