Ishrugged my shoes and thong into my arms and scurried out of Jared’s room. I hadn’t intended to fall asleep. If anything, my mind and body were so wiped from the night before that they refused to think about getting up. It didn’t help that Jared was a huge heater and kept me warm all night.
The door to my room was propped open. I hugged my shoes tighter and leaned against the frame. My head was screaming from the alcohol, but I needed to focus. Whoever was there, I didn’t know them and I wasn’t intending on going in dressed like I was.
“Who’s in there?” I yelled as I knocked on the door.
“What? Who?” A soft voice responded. Heavy footsteps filled the hotel room until a shorter girl peeked out through the door. She looked me up and down and frowned. “Can I help you?”
I flipped out my card, “Room 308. This is my room.”
The woman’s face paled as she opened the door. Her mousey heart-shaped face was a stark contrast to my more angular build.
“The lady at the counter gave me a key to the room. She said my roommate would be here already. I’m guessing you’re Kim?”
I nodded, “Yeah, I am.”
“I’m Mandi.” She opened the door the rest of the way and let me in, “Sorry about that.”
“Don’t mention it.”
As I walked past her, Mandi wrinkled her nose. “You reek of alcohol. And what’s with your hair? You might want to shower before getting into bed. You look like you were partying way too hard.” She closed the door behind me, “You might not mind tonight, but tomorrow when you get in bed, that smell lingers.”
“Probably a good idea.” I didn’t want to admit to her that the messy hair and my clothes were because of my first-ever one-night stand especially not with someone involved in the wedding.
I toss my shoes to the side and put the thong in a pile between the wall and bed. I didn’t need her staring at my dirty clothes tossed around the place like a slob.
My pajamas were still tucked away in my suitcase. I gathered them up and sauntered into the bathroom. The shower warmed my bones to their core. I let out a heavy sigh and the weight of the night before left my body. The alcohol swam through my head, reminding me I still needed to at least get some extra sleep in.
Mandi was already unpacked and lying on her bed in a silk blouse without any pants on.
“So, you’re one of the bridesmaids?”
“Yeah. Not sure how I managed that one. I’m not exactly the type that looks good in a dress next to others.” She pinched her fingers to indicate her short stature.
I shrugged and slumped onto my bed. “I doubt Amanda cares about heights. She’s not exactly tall herself. Carl is a giant in and of itself. He’ll balance out the heights and share a few inches.”
“I’m sure he’s saving those inches for their honeymoon.”
We both burst out laughing before growing silent.
“You went to North High back home?”
“Yeah, I did.”
“Hmm…” I closed my eyes and nodded, “Thought you looked familiar. Yeah, I’m pretty sure we were in a bunch of classes together.”
“Oh, yeah like English!”
“Exactly!” I raised my hand listlessly, “We sat next to each other—“
“And cheated off one another with those stupid riddles she gave us to waste time.”
I smiled as I remembered those years. They were like faded memories now, but I still appreciated hearing that someone else had hated the riddles.
My eyes grew heavy, and sleep overtook me one more time. I wasn't sure if Mandi fell asleep after me or not. No noise could wake me up with how exhausted I was and with nothing to help flush out the alcohol, still in my system.
"Kim!"Kim!" Mandi cried out.
I shot up and scanned the room, "Fuck!" I snapped and slumped back in bed. "What the hell was that for?" My head wasn't hurting nearly as bad as earlier but having someone yell at me was the worst feeling in the world.