Jared put his hands on my shoulders and grabbed a bean bag. "No more waiting," he growled. There was a sense of competition in his eyes as he walked up to the board, and slammed the square with the bean bag as hard as he could.
Everyone jumped and stared as the square slowly came to a halt to reveal the word Boy.
Screams filled the room as multiple women surrounded me with congratulations. I tried to get a look at Jared who had a bunch of guys around him slamming him on the back.
Like a wave, everyone started shushing one another. I tried to get a look at what was happening, but there were too many people in front of me to see.
"We have a special game left before we get into the true fun of the night."
Everyone started hollering. The energy of the party filled me with electricity. I wanted to jump in the air, and join the yelling but knew that if I tried, I'd probably fall over like a turtle. The fact that another game was labeled special though made me curious. I knew all the games that had been planned, including the attempt to swaddle a man in an oversized blanket later on that day. None of them I would label as special, just funny.
"May I have the mother of the night join me?"
The crowd parted in front of me like the red sea. I took a step forward and then another as I carefully made my way up to Mandi.
"What's going on?" I asked her under my breath. I didn't want anyone to think I was angry with her, but I still wasn't sure what was happening either.
"Trust me," she whispered back. She stood up again and pointed out into the crowd. "I'm also going to need that grumpy old man I call dad, to come over here too."
Giggles filled the room as Jared brushed past everyone to stand next to me, "Do you know what this is about?" He shoved a hand in his pocket as if reaching for his phone.
I shrugged, "No idea."
Mandi stepped down and pulled out a long blindfold, "Turn around for me, will you?"
I obliged and knelt as far as I could so she could wrap it around me.
"We're going to spin you a few times. The first two times, we want you to name something you like or love."
I didn't recognize the game at all. It didn't sound like something you played at a baby shower, but I played along as my vision fell into darkness. Someone grabbed my shoulders and turned me in a circle.
I hit the first rotation.
"The baby," It was the first thing that hit my mind and felt a little silly saying that.
Another spin.
"A sweet cup of coffee first thing in the morning," I still wasn't sure if I was saying the right thing.
They spun me a third time. As I came to a stop, I had to force myself not to fumble by naming something else I liked. Mandi pulled the blindfold off. Everyone was standing back a little. Many of the women covered their mouths and the guys were beaming at me. I wondered how embarrassing my answers were until I turned back and saw Jared in front of me.
He knelt on one knee and reached back into his pocket, "I hope the third answer will be me." He pulled out a small black box and opened it.
The ring shone brilliantly against the black velvet. The center jewel was a brilliant sapphire with a dozen diamonds surrounding it like a robin's nest. I brought my hands to my mouth and let out an audible gasp of surprise.
"I know it's a bit late, but I wanted to make it memorable for you. Six months ago, I wouldn’t have believed, I would be standing here right now. In love with someone as beautiful as you, and yet here I am." He sucked in a deep breath as if trying to figure out what words to say. "I was in a dark place when you decided to see me that first night. I didn't think you were an actual person either, just a figment of my imagination. And yet, every day you were still there just as beautiful as the first night I laid eyes on you. I chose you to have my child, and today I want you to have the choice. Will you marry me, Kim?"
I didn't realize how big my smile was until I felt how sore my cheeks were. I wiped a few tears welling at the corners of my eyes and nodded.
"Yes," my voice cracked a little. "Of course, I'll marry you, Jared."
He slid the ring on my finger. It fit perfectly and barely weighed anything on my hand as if it was made specifically for me. He stood up and embraced me. I turned my head up and kissed him gently on the lips. Butterflies fluttered around inside me, as I fell in love with Jared all over again.
My dad walked up to us and slapped Jared on the shoulder, "You might be my friend, but don't make this a thing where I have to clean a gun on my doorstep when you don't treat her right."
"Trust me, I know she’ll might hurt me if I ever do anything wrong, long before you ever find out."
Maurice sighed and shook his head, "I never would have imagined that my best friend would be the one to meet the high bar I had set for her, but glad you could meet her standards."
"Thanks, dad," I stared up at Jared and kissed him again. "I love you."
"I love you too."
The End