I stood up from the table and rushed toward Amanda, "Does anyone want coffee?"
Carl and Jared both said they did as I entered the tiny kitchen. Amanda was already washing up the plates and stacking them in the strainer. I was thankful for that. With everything going on, I doubted I'd get to them until late tonight.
I leaned against the counter and sucked in a deep breath. The baby was making me feel dizzy again, and the tension in the air made everything that much worse.
"This isn't going how I thought it would," I muttered.
"Nonsense. Your brother is just being protective of you," she gave me a wink. "He's not saying it, but he likes Jared already."
"And you can tell how?" I glanced up at the two still staring one another down. "Because he was the one that couldn't stop talking about this dinner all day," she turned the water off and wiped her hands clean. "You know Carl just as well as I do. If he genuinely didn't like Jared, he wouldn't stick around."
"True. I just wish they would stop being such assholes to each other."
"Dick measuring contest."
"What?" I raised my brow and chuckled.
Amanda sighed and rolled her eyes, "You're moving from being under your dad and Carl's protection to Jared's. He's just testing the waters to make sure he can give any blessings he needs to."
I grabbed the coffee pot and started setting up the coffee filter, "We're not getting married. He's just the father of my kid."
"And he happens to be absolutely infatuated with you," she leaned close to me and lowered her voice. "I could see it with how careful he was when he got too close and made sure you had everything you needed before you lifted a finger."
Heat rose to my cheeks, "He's that obvious?"
"There's no hiding it," she grabbed four mugs from the cabinet. "If he doesn't propose to you, I would be shocked."
"Maybe, but we haven't talked about that and we just started seriously seeing each other."
"Yeah but he obviously gives you a great sex life if you stuck around afterward," she nudged me with an elbow. "Or was the money the big draw."
"No," I scoffed. "I didn't even know he was rich until after our first night together."
"Then it's a win! You know you're attracted to him despite the money, so there's nothing to worry about. That's just an added bonus."
"So, you say," I poured the coffee into each mug. "Can you get the creamer and milk from the fridge?"
The two of us walked back to the table and sat down the four drinks. The intensity in the air had trickled to something a little less ferocious now.
"Well, I'm glad you two are happy," Carl finally said before taking a sip of his coffee. It was almost pure white from the amount of milk inside it. "I don't see too much of a problem with him, and you seem happy with it."
"Thanks, Carl. I appreciate it," I glanced over at Jared who had a slight smile at the corner of his mouth as if he realized he had won the greatest game of chess in the entire world. "Hopefully the next time we all meet for dinner there won’t be as much anger from the two of you."
Jared turned to me and raised a brow, "What anger? I was perfectly fine."
Carl nodded in agreement.
Amanda and I rolled our eyes. It was like the two of them were completely oblivious to what happened during the meal.
"Oh!" Amanda grabbed her phone, "I almost forgot about dessert."
"Dessert? Did you order something --"
Before I could finish my question, she was already running to the door and opening it. My jaw dropped as I saw my dad standing in the doorway with a small cake in his hand.