“You didn’t have to do that, dad.”

I shrugged, “Maurice made a point that whomever she ends up with will need to spoil her here at least once. I need to make sure that bar stays high for Maurice’s sake.”

The four of us continued to talk and enjoy the evening while the bride and groom sat at their own personal table. The other people in the wedding party were also enjoying themselves at a collection of other booths slightly out of earshot.

Something tapped my foot. I glanced down and saw a red heel next to mine. Mandi’s feet were still tucked under her. I tapped Kim’s foot back and a small smile crossed her face as she focused on her water in silence.

Kim made an O shape with her mouth and turned to her dad, “You forgot to take your meds!”

“Shit!” he shot me an apologetic smile. “Sorry. I’ll be right back. I just need to hop in the bathroom for a minute.”

I raised a brow, “Can’t you take the pill here?”

Maurice shook his head, “Not an oral medication and I’d prefer to keep it at that.”

Kim stood up to allow her dad to get out.

He stretched his back out, and let out a low grunt, “Damn VA making life difficult for me.”

Kim sat back down and scooted further into the booth, so she was next to me, “Sorry about that, Mandi. Now I can hear you both a bit better.”

She shrugged and took a sip of the red wine, “I’m fine. I just wish dad didn’t have to take over my plans.” She gave me a sideways glance.

Something slid across my lap, and I froze. I cleared my throat and reached for my glass to try and act casual. Kim’s fingers glided across my thigh, brushing against my newly hard shifter before moving away again.

“So,” Kim said as if nothing was happening. “You said your dad has taken you here before?”

I couldn’t focus on their conversation and reached down to grab Kim’s hand. The softness of her skin against my fingers reminded me of our last evening together. I wanted to drag her out of here and fuck her until dawn. I tried to keep my composure about me and not let Mandi know what was happening under the table.

Kim brushed her shoulder against me and played it off as if she was leaning to grab her drink, “I’m definitely jealous. I don’t think I could handle coming out here all the time.”

“Well, I can take you out sometimes, and we can enjoy a good meal for random celebrations.” She glared over at me, “After all, we need to keep your standards high, don’t we dad?”

I grumbled something under my breath as Kim moved her hand away again.

“Yeah. Something like that.” The frustration from wanting to be close to her and also not get caught by my daughter was increasing by the moment.

Maurice returned and sat where Kim was originally sitting. “Sorry about that. I’ll just stay over here so we don’t have to play musical chairs.”

I took advantage of everyone’s attention on Maurice to hook Kim’s leg in mine and spread her legs apart for me. Slowly, I moved my fingers across her thigh and grazed the thin fabric of her panties, clasping her between two of my fingers.

“Are you alright, Kim?” Mandi tilted her head and furrowed her brow. “You look a little flushed. You’re not coming down with something are you?”

Kim bit her lip and brushed my hand aside. “No, I think it’s just my nerves. I’ve never been somewhere so nice, and I might have drank too much on an empty stomach.”

The meal continued with everyone talking as if nothing was going on. The entire time, Kim continued to explore as far as she could without being noticed, and engaged me to do the same before pausing again to catch her breath.

I wasn’t going to let her get away with teasing me so much tonight. There would be a harsh punishment coming her way soon enough.



Isplashed some water on my face and stared at my reflection in the bathroom mirror. Mandi was already asleep in the room, leaving me feeling sexually frustrated once again, and alone with my thoughts.

“Fuck,” I grumbled.

I had hoped after dinner to meet with Jared and enjoy a nice evening, but Mandi had drunk so much that I needed to stay here with her.