“Wake up, Jared!” I hissed and kicked the side of the bed.

The person outside knocked again, “Dad? Are you in there?”

“Mandi!” I squeaked. This wasn’t the best time for her to know I left last night to see herdadof all people.

I scanned the room. There weren’t many places where I could hide from her. The beds were flush to the floor and the bathroom would be an easy way for her to walk in on me if she needed to use it. I didn’t have much of a choice and darted into the closet.

With the suit on one side and the ironing board on the other, it was impossible to find a comfortable place to stand. The safe at my feet meant I couldn’t sit down either. Jared would owe me big time for this.

“Dad!” Mandi yelled and pounded on the door a third time. “Are you alright?”

Jared stirred with a loud groan, “I’m coming. I’m coming.” His heavy footsteps through the room passed by me, as he opened the door. “What?”

“You look drunk, dad,” Mandi sounded concerned.

I pressed my ear against the door and held my breath.

“Didn’t get much sleep,” he closed the door behind them. “Damn bed is lumpy.”

“Really? It’s much more comfortable than the rock you usually sleep on.”

He grunted. The bed creaked once and then a second time as if both were sitting next to one another.

“Did you need something?”

Mandi didn’t answer for a few seconds, “It’s about Kim.”

My heart skipped a beat. I wasn’t sure if I should be listening to the conversation.

“What about her?” he clicked his tongue. “Does she snore or fart in her sleep?”

I wanted to smack him. An audible thud let me know Mandi did it for me.

“No. She left last night and hasn’t come back.”

He grunted, “Did she miss some big event you girls are going to?”

“No, not yet. But we plan on going to the rehearsal soon, and she needs to be there.”

“Well, I’m sure she’ll turn up eventually. Did you call her?”

I chewed on my thumbnail. There was no way he would suggest she do something like that right now. My phone was still on the nightstand. If she called it, I would immediately be caught. Or at least, he would be questioned about why he had my phone in his room. I wasn’t sure how good of a liar he was.

"I forgot my phone."

A sigh of relief escapes my lips before I can catch myself. Fear jolted through me as I slammed my hand onto my mouth and bumped into the suit next to me.

"What was that?"

The bed squeaked, and the footsteps grew closer to the closet. I wasn't sure if it was Mandi or Jared at this point. My muscles screamed at me as they tightened in fear. I had to prevent myself from breathing too hard and getting noticed.

The door cracked open, pouring light inside and coating my leg in the potential danger zone. Jared slipped his head inside the closet. His gaze first showed signs of puzzlement as he furrowed his brow and tightened his lips before relaxing once more. Our eyes met and for a moment, we came to the realization and acknowledgment of how dangerous a situation we were both in.

"Just the ironing board. Must have put it at an awkward angle so it hit the suit," he closed the closet and pressed his back to the door. "If I see her, I'll tell her you're looking for her."

Mandi sighed and climbed off the bed. She walked past Jared and opened the door. "Thanks, dad. I appreciate it." She stopped before leaving the room completely. "Oh, I almost forgot. After the rehearsal, we plan on having a small engagement party." She paused, "Don’t bring up business, got it?"

"Fine, fine. I'll make sure no politics or money talk at the table," his voice was laced with irritation. "You'll have everyone else keeping an eye on me too."