"No." I rolled my eyes. "I met with my dad."


"And nothing. I caught up with him and that was it."

She rolled onto her back and gave a low hum as if not believing me, "Well, you should go find him. Get some stress out of you. Don't want that showing up in the wedding photos."

I turned away. I didn't want to tell her the one who could relieve that stress was my dad's best friend.

"You said your dad was out here?" I tried to change the subject.

"Yeah. He's not that close to anyone at the wedding, but he knows your dad. He needed to get out of the house too. He was wallowing in a lot of despair," She let out a sigh. "He's probably still lying around in his room. He said he went out last night and grabbed a drink but knowing him he probably grabbed a whole bottle and is chugging it as we speak." Mandi rolled her eyes and sat back up. "I know you said you like the silver fox types, but I can guarantee with how much of a drunk my dad can be, and his anger issues, you'd finally find one you don't like."

I forced a laugh and shrugged, "Probably. Just because I like older men doesn't mean I'm going to fall over for all of them." Her saying that her dad was my dad's friend added more pieces to the puzzle that I didn't like. "Hey... I'm going to step outside and get some fresh air. Are you alright with figuring out dinner for yourself?"

"Yeah. I'm thinking pizza tonight. Nothing fancy after brunch. Just let it all go before passing out with some good sleep."

Something about the way she said it reminded me of the times I was left alone while my friends went out to a party. A part of me wanted to stay, but I also wanted to see Jared again. I promised myself I would stay behind at least one night while we were here. Tonight just wasn't that night.

"Good," I opened the door and glanced back at her, "Don't wait up for me."

She gave a wink and waved, "Don't keep his neighbors up either."

I mumbled my thanks and hurried out into the hall. Jared’s room was only a few doors down from mine. I had a split chance of talking to him in private or possibly revealing my secret from the night before.

My heart pounded in my chest as I raised my hand to knock and pulled it back again.

Alright, Kim, you can do this. Just knock on his door. If he’s with someone, just say you mixed up his room and my dad’s. I can do that.

The room was silent beyond the door. He might not even be there. Maybe he had chosen to hang out with the other men for the evening instead of taking it easy again. I had to knock.

The rapping of my knuckle on the door was loud and thunderous compared to the silent hallway. I shuddered at the thought of someone else opening the door.

I knocked again. It echoed through my body as I tensed up, ready to dart back to my room.

Come on, Jared. Open the door, please.

I stepped back, ready to give up on talking with him, but then the clacking of the lock inside caught my attention.

“Stupid door,” he grunted. “I’m coming. I’m coming.”

My stomach lurched and I took another step back. I could run away now and ignore the fact that I tried to see Jared. Pretend that everything that happened the night before was just a dream. Perhaps he didn't remember my face either and he thought he had just enjoyed a nice night with a stranger. He might not even want me to visit him again, but I needed to know for certain. We needed to clear the air between us before my desires caused me to do something stupid in front of everyone.

Jared cracked the door open and peeked through the slit in the door, “Kim?” He opened the door the rest of the way. “What are you doing here?” He hissed.

“I needed to talk to you.”

He had clearly just showered and had barely managed to slip on a pair of boxers before opening the door. His chest glistened with water droplets. In the dim light of his room, he was extremely attractive. The idea of continuing our fun again was fixed firmly in my mind. The fact that he chose to open the door while half-dressed was a good sign he felt the same way.

I pressed a hand on his chest, feeling the warmth and his heartbeat against my palm. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me inside and closed the door behind us.

“I get that, but what if someone was here?”

I shrugged, “I thought about that. I had backup plans.”

He sighed and shook his head, “I swear you’re so reckless.” Jared slumped into a chair and leaned his head back. “So, what did you want? Bribing me to not tell your dad?”
