If heaven on earth could exist, it would be here, in Maui. That was the thought I had when I stepped out of the airport and the taxi took me down the lovely, twisted, winding roads, to the Honua Kai Resort.
Once at the resort, I couldn’t believe my eyes, Carl and Amanda could not have picked a nicer place to get married in. Everything about it was just breathtakingly gorgeous.
I half dragged; half carried my bag up the few steps of the property and into the resort. The sound of birds calling out in the distance at the beach sang to me like a siren's call. Sweat beaded on my forehead, threatening to drown me before even I got to touch a pool.
“Welcome!” a woman greeted cheerfully from behind the check-in counter. She flashed me a kind smile, then indicated with her brows at a young male attendant.
He hurried over to me, his head downturned, and grabbed my bags with a soft grunt. He was cute, in a younger brother way. His face still had a lot of baby fat, and he was too nervous to look at anyone directly. Nowhere close to eye candy for me. Strike one for paradise.
"Sorry. I can take these up to your room."
I chuckled and waved my hand. "Sure. Let me check in so we can figure out what room I'm in."
I rolled my shoulders, thankful to get rid of the added weight of my belongings, and walked over to the desk.
"I'm here to check in."
The woman behind the counter nodded and typed something on her computer. "Will you be staying by yourself? And what's the reservation name for the room?"
I wasn't expecting to be asked that. My face flushed as I fumbled to pull my phone out. A sigh of relief escaped my lips as a notification from my brother lights up my lock screen.
"She says it's under his name. Um... I mean it's under Carl."
"Last name?"
"Bryant. Sorry. There should be a room reserved for me. Kimberly Bryant."
I couldn't say when the last time I stayed at a hotel was, especially one this nice. Most of my hotel stays have been in cheap places, just so I had a bed while out traveling.
This time, my brother covered both the trip and my room at the resort, so all I needed to do was bring some cash for food and some fun money.
The desk clerk typed something else into the computer and reached for a small keycard. She slid it inside a machine and a small bell dinged.
"There we go." She pulled the card back out and handed it to me. "The doors unlock when you tap the card on the scanner. So, you don't have to worry about inserting it." She slid a small pamphlet on the counter as well. "This will explain all the amenities we have to offer and how you can use your keycard to its full advantage during your stay."
I take both and shoved them into my pocket. "Thanks."
"It was my pleasure." She turned to the attendant. The friendly look on her face faded into one of mild frustration. "She's on the third floor. Room 308."
"Got it."
"Don't forget the warning I gave you last time."
"I won't," he groaned.
I wanted to ask what the warning was about but decided against it. Better not to get in their business and ruin my day. Not like it was my business anyway.
He lifted my bags off the ground and shuffled toward the elevator. "Is this your first time here?" he grunted between steps.
The question sounded forced, but I didn't want him to get in trouble if I said anything. Besides, he seemed friendly enough to enjoy some small talk with us on our way up.
"Yeah. Usually, if I travel it's for work or to see family."
"So, vacation?"