Page 113 of Kingmakers, Year Four

I blink salt out of my eyes, dazzled all over again by the crisp perfect lines of Nix’s face without the blurring effect of the water.

She kisses me again, my thigh sliding between her legs as she treads water in place. The churning motion rubs her pussy against the top of my thigh. I press against her, making her moan into my mouth.

“Let’s never leave,” she murmurs. “I hate when you’re busy. I hate when I’m not with you.”

“I hate everything that pulls me away from you,” I tell her, seizing handfuls of her wet hair and kissing her harder.

When I release her, Nix dives down below the water. I feel her warm mouth close around my cock.

I arch my back slightly, so I can float instead of kick.

I look up at the limestone ceiling a hundred feet overhead, dripping down into stalactites like melting vanilla ice cream. Below the water, Nix sucks my cock.

She comes up briefly for air and I kiss her again. Her mouth tastes saltier than ever, from the water and from the precum leaking out of me in this warm bath.

I feel utterly relaxed, floating in more ways than one. Each time Nix dives down to take me in her mouth again, I give in more fully and completely.

I want her to drag me all the way under. I want to stay there with her forever.

I don’t care about the world on the surface. I don’t care about anyone who lives in the sunshine and the wind. I want to be in the cool blue-green shadows, where the creatures are as bright and vivid as Nix, and time means nothing—no day and no night.

I give in to her . . . and I start to cum in her mouth.

Each surge of pleasure is as long and as endless as a wave sweeping across the ocean.

I have no idea how long she’s been under there. She might have broken an Olympic record for all I know.

At last she floats up to the surface, her iridescent green eyes peeking up at me before the rest of her face breaks the water.

I kiss her again, wanting to feel how swollen her lips and tongue have become.

“Let me do you,” I say.

“I don’t think you can hold your breath as long,” she says.

“Fucking drown me, then.”

I dive below the water, flipping over on my back with my head between her thighs. I plunge my tongue upward between her pussy lips, nibbling at her, tasting her. There’s no gravity, no stiffness, no awkward angles. I can eat her pussy any way I want, floating below her.

Only the need to come up for air prevents me making her cum in record time.

I take three deep breaths, then dive down again. With no sense of taste or smell, I focus on the pressure of my tongue against her clit, and the velvet-warm texture of her pussy when I slip my fingers in and out of her. I start to play with her ass too. The water is just enough lubrication to slowly work the tip of my middle finger into her ass as I lap at her clit.

When I surface again, Nix is too rabid to wait any longer. She wraps her arms and legs around me. I thrust into her, my cock only just recovering enough to rise to the occasion again. The interior of her pussy brings it all the way to life as she squeezes me hard, her pussy ten times warmer than the water.

We’re locked together, spinning and floating in the water, able to assume any position like astronauts fucking in space. We couple and break apart and couple again. Sometimes we rise to the surface, sometimes we sink ten feet below.

I don’t want air. I don’t want sun. I don’t want anything but her.

She starts to cum, each clench around my cock as slow and endless as the waves of my own climax. With little friction between us, each thrust of my cock against her clit seems to drag out another pulse of pleasure, without draining her entirely.

Meanwhile, my second climax is building—a river rushing faster and faster against a dam. Any second it’s going to burst.

Nix wraps her legs tight around me and her arms around my neck. She slides all the way down my cock, giving one last extended clench, her arms shaking, her whole body trembling as she squeezes me with all her might.

I erupt inside of her—an underwater volcano that could turn this whole fucking pool to steam. I’m cumming and cumming, my strangled yell echoing off the stone walls. I can’t stop, I’m pumping upward in her, I’m kissing her, biting her lips, biting the side of her neck.

It goes on forever, until finally it’s over.