“How can that be?”

“My greatest fear for you was that you were never going to find love. I see you looking at Adrik like I look at your dad, and that tells me how happy you’ll be.”


My mom nods. “I knew your dad a long time before he even noticed I existed. I remember what he was like before we met, andthat’swhat I never wanted for you. You are so like your dad … I worried that you would never find your equal. I’m so glad that you did, and so glad that I’m here to see it.”

Relief washes over me. When I went to Moscow, I don’t think anybody besides Adrik and me thought it was a good idea. It feels so much better to have the support of the people I respect the most.

“I’m sorry we never finished the bike.”

We’d been working on that old Indian motorcycle for ages. Like the ship of Theseus, I don’t think there was an original part left on it.

“Actually …” my mom smiles. “I have a surprise for you.”

“What?” I’m not ready to believe what I think she’s about to say.

“When you first left, I was worried about you. I had a lot of sleepless nights. I spent them in the garage working.”

I wince, full of guilt for everything I’ve put her through. Starting at about three years old and continuing through the present.

“Sorry, Mom.”

She touches my cheek, her hand soft and cool.

“You’ve always had to go your own way.”

Unable to stay depressed for long, I grin and say, “You really finished it?”

“It runs perfectly. You should take it back with you.”

For only the second time I can remember, I’m crying. I don’t deserve to be loved like this. But I am. I’m truly, truly loved.

It doesn’t oppress me, it doesn’t make me feel like I owe something I can’t possibly repay. I just feel so fucking grateful.

My mom helps me zip up my dress.

I fix my makeup one last time and we stand by the door, her arm around my waist, my head resting on hers.

“You ready?” she says.

“Yeah. I’m ready.”


I waiton the sand for Sabrina.

The sun is just beginning to sink down to the lake, the sky rich with every shade of scarlet and orange above the dark blue water.

Jasper, Kade, and Sabrina’s brother Damien are standing up with me. Damien strongly resembles Sabrina, something that endeared him to me at once. He’s smart like her, and I suspect he shares her wicked streak, though he hides it better.

Nix, Cara, and Ilsa are the bridesmaids, barefoot and dressed in gauzy light gowns. They look like naiads, like they might have just come up from the water and taken human form on the sand.

The waves roll in gently, the breeze soft against my skin.

Everything is perfect. Or it will be when my bride appears.

I watch for her, anxious, shifting in place.