Turquoise light shimmers across the domed ceiling overhead, as if we’ve plunged underwater.

Up here, the private tables are surrounded by high-backed booths. Each booth faces a shower, enclosed in glass, in which dancers undulate beneath the pounding spray.

“Which table?” I say to Sabrina.

What I really mean is,which girl?

Sabrina examines her choices before pointing. “That one.”

We sit at the table facing a blonde girl in a white bikini, the straps of her bathing suit wrapped around her waist, crisscrossing her body. The girl’s hair is pulled up in a high ponytail, her sharp cheekbones and narrow green eyes giving her an almost alien appearance.

I put my arm around Sabrina’s shoulders, watching her watch the girl dance.

The pane separating us is tinted a smoky gray, the transparent box filled with steam, but the girl can see us just like we can see her. She leans against the glass wall, letting the shower pour down on her breasts, the white material of her bikini top turning translucent as it soaks through. She looks over at Sabrina, biting her lip.

Sabrina’s cheeks flush. Her hand tightens on my thigh.

“Is she your type?” I murmur in Sabrina’s ear.

“My type is hot.”

“And is that hot to you?”

Sabrina laughs. “What do you think?”

Leaning over so my lips are right against her ear, I growl, “I think I’d love to watch you peel that bikini off her body.”

Concealed by the table, I slide my hand up Sabrina’s thigh. I meet the hem of her dress and keep going, up to the heat and warmth of the furnace between her thighs. My fingertips find her pussy lips. Sabrina isn’t wearing any underwear.

She shivers when I touch her. Her eyes meet mine and she licks her lips. Then she turns back to the girl, spreading her thighs an inch wider to give me more space.

Holding Sabrina’s gaze, the blonde reaches up and unfastens the tie behind her neck. Slowly, languorously, she lowers the bikini top, revealing a pair of magnificent breasts with pale pink nipples. She shakes her tits lightly, letting them sway and then settle back into place.

Sabrina is hypnotized.

I slide my fingers up and down the cleft of her pussy lips. She’s fucking soaked.

I slip one finger inside of her. Sabrina groans, her eyes locked on the girl. The blonde presses her palms against the glass, running her tongue through the condensation in one long lick.

With my arm around Sabrina’s shoulders, my right hand hangs above her breast. I let my fingertips brush against the material of her dress. Sabrina’s nipple stiffens, her chest rising and falling as if she’s running.

I trace the outline of her nipple with my middle finger, watching as it stands upright in a hard point, straining against the tight black dress. Sabrina breathes faster and faster, almost panting.

I caress her breast, pulling and squeezing on her nipple through the dress. Sabrina arches her back, moaning softly.

The blonde dances directly against the glass, swaying her hips, watching us. She runs her hands over her breasts, lifting and dropping them, pinching her nipples in imitation of what I’m doing to Sabrina.

Sabrina can’t tear her eyes off the girl. She darts a few quick looks in my direction, cheeks burning, embarrassed that I’m seeing her in this state. She can’t hide her arousal, she knows I can see it. She knows how vulnerable it makes her.

Sure enough, she doesn’t even flinch as I yank down the front of her dress, exposing her breasts to the blonde. All she can do is let out a sigh of longing, fingers digging into my thigh.

I feel like I just uncovered a golden idol. I’m blinded by brightness.

Sabrina’s breasts are fucking spectacular. She’s all-natural, brown as the other girl is pale, her nipples dark as chocolate. I want to attack her like a wild animal, I want to lick and suck on every part of her. But I restrain myself, running my fingertips over her nipples light and teasing, flicking them into hard points without giving her the relief she craves.

Sabrina writhes against the plush seat of the booth, biting her lip, looking back and forth from me to the blonde.

“You want to fuck her?” I whisper in her ear, pushing two fingers inside of her.