“You were the one that was naughty.”
She pushed her lip out and stood in front of him with only a shirt on. It was embarrassing. She had never done this before in front of a man who she was interested in. Sure, she was going to have to at one point but she didn't think it was going to be Mac. They have had a friendship for years and she didn't want to ruin that.
“Get back into position,” Mac said.
She found herself laying over his lap once again, her bare bottom up in the air. She flinched as his warm hand landed on her bottom, rubbing and giving a squeeze every once in a while.
“Relax. It's only going to hurt more if you're all tense,” he said.
“So easy for you to say. Relaxing is hard,” she mumbled.
He had said that several times before, for her to relax in a situation that was easy for him to say that. He wasn't the one that was going to get his bottom spanked. She was and she couldn't relax.
“Ready?” He asked.
“When am I ever going to be ready?” It seemed like a stupid thing to say. Who was ever ready for a spanking? Mac chuckled.
Right as she started to relax, the first several spankings came down. She yelped in pain as the stinging intensified.
“No!” She yelled. “Stop.”
“I’m not going to stop unless you say your safeword or I finish with the spanking,” Mac replied. Several more landed on her bottom, all in different places. He was murdering her bottom. She wiggled around, trying to get her bottom free from his smacks.
“Do I need to hold you down?” He asked. Before she could say anything, he effortlessly moved his one leg and placed them over her legs, locking her in place. There was nowhere for her to go now.
Mac’s spankings got harder and harder as he went. Tears had formed in her eyes as he continued to pepper them on her bottom and sit spot.
“Stop!” She yelled. But Mac didn’t stop, if anything it seemed to make him go faster.
Janie sobbed and went limp over his lap. Her bottom hurt so bad. She could feel it starting to throb. Mac moved her to where she was sitting up, her head laying on his chest.
“You're okay,” he said. “All is forgiven.”
Janie continued to cry in his arms. It had only taken away the guilt from what she did just now. It hadn't taken away the guilt from her lying to him several days ago.
“I'm going to take care of you and Eleanor,” Mac said. “I'm going to make sure that you guys have everything that you need.”
She continued to cry into his arms as he spoke. She shouldn't allow him to do that.
“Are you okay?” He asked.
She shook her head and pulled away from him. She wasn't okay. Her bottom was on fire and he was telling her that he was going to take care of both of them. It wasn't his responsibility and it shouldn't be. They weren't together.
“Pinky,” he said. “Tell Daddy what's wrong.”
She started to cry even more. He wasn't her Daddy.
“I'm stressed,” she replied. And it was the truth. She was stressed beyond belief. There was so much going on and she wasn't able to fully grasp everything and make it okay. So much needed her attention and she didn't have enough time to do everything.
“I can't help unless you tell me,” he said. “Communication is important. I want to help you but I can't unless I know what's wrong.”
She shook her head. She didn't want to tell him everything because Janie knew he was going to try and fix everything.
“I want to help you in any way that I can. But I can't unless you tell me what's wrong.”
She took a deep breath in. “This can't happen,” she whispered.
“What do you mean this can't happen?”