“My precious girls,” he gently said. Placing the plates and drinks down next to them and Eleanor happily started to messily eat her pretzels.
Janie looked up at him and back down at her snacks, almost uncertain if she was allowed to eat them or not.
“Go ahead,” he said. “Eat your snacks and play. I'll watch over both of you as you're in Littlespace.”
She hesitated as she looked at him. He had no doubt she was nervous to be fully in Littlespace with her daughter around. He remembered her saying something about how she couldn't in case something happened. But he was here now and he could watch over both of them. Mac wanted to watch over both of them.
“I promise nothing is going to happen,” Mac said. “Daddy is going to watch over both of you and protect both of you. You're safe with me.”
Janie went back to playing with her dolls. Her cute adorable voice as she spoke for her dolls. Eleanor wasn't quite having full sentences for her dolls, but it was still cute. Her little one word or two word sentences for her dolls.
Eleanor continued to eat and drink the snack he had given her but Janie was not. Did she not like the snack? He knew Janie wasn’t allergic to peanut butter or apples but maybe she didn’t want what he had put on the plate? He didn't think that she was gluten intolerant either but he could be wrong.
“Pinky? Eat some of your snackie,” he said.
She scrunched up her nose and shook her head. That made Mac think that she just didn't like the stuff that was on her plate.
“Daddy. I don't wants that. I wants cookies,” she said.
Mac shook his head. “No cookies right now. You need to eat what's on your plate and then we're going to have dinner and then maybe you can have a cookie later on.”
Janie stood up from where she was sitting and crossed her arms. “I want them now.”
“Pinky, you aren’t getting a cookie right now. If you're a good girl you can have one after dinner.”
She stomped her foot and stuck her tongue out at him. His eyebrow raised as he watched everything unfold.
“Are you having a temper tantrum?” He asked.
“No. I just want a cookie. I'm a grown adult and I can have a cookie when I want to.”
He shook his head. “Cut the attitude. Do you want a hot bottom?”
She stuck her tongue out at him again.
“One last warning. Stick your tongue out again or give me attitude and you'll be over my lap and I'll be spanking you.”
Janie cocked her hip to the side, stomped her foot and stuck her tongue out at him again. So, that was how she wanted to play.
Janie didn't know what went through her to cock her hip, stomp her foot, and stick out her tongue at him again. She wanted a cookie and she should be allowed to have a cookie. She was twenty-eight years old, an adult, who has the right to eat a cookie when she wants to. Who was he to tell her that she couldn't?
Daddy spread his legs and pointed in between them. “Come here.”
But Janie didn't come. Sure, she had been calling him Daddy but she hadn't officially asked him to be her Daddy yet. She wasn't going to because she couldn't let it happen. Her Little mind had decided to call him Daddy. After this, she was going to go back to trying not to talk to him, and definitely not get attached to him.
It was proving to be a lot more difficult than she thought it was going to be. Being in close quarters with him, seeing him every hour, was doing things to her. Her feelings for him were growing and she knew that it wasn't okay.
“Now,” he said as he pointed in between his legs again.
Janie crossed her arms and didn't move. Sure, a little fear had gone through her when he commanded her to do it. She knew what was going to come next. A spanking.
“One,” he said.