Part of her believed him. He had done it before, what was to stop him from doing it this time?

“Now, why don’t you go message your authors and then we can look through some things,” Mac said.

She stared at him and nodded her head. This was becoming all too real. Janie slowly walked towards her office, trying to figure everything out in her head before she got there. But it was hard.

Janie walked into her office and towards her computer. How was she going to write this email? Would they understand? She stared at her computer, tears blurring her eyes as she stared at it.

Everything was crashing down on her as she thought about everything. It was all becoming too real. There were so manymemories in this house with Eleanor. Her taking her first steps, speaking her first word, trying new foods, and so much more.

She wasn’t ready to move out of this house yet. There were so many more memories to be made here. She didn’t want those memories to be made in a hotel or a place that was going to be temporary.

“Pinky,” Mac said as he walked in with Eleanor in his arms. “Everything is going to be okay. We’re going to get through this.”

“I don’t know,” she whispered. “I really don’t know how I’m going to get through this.”

Mac wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into his side. She gripped onto his shirt.

“I’m going to help you through it. We’re going to do it together. There is no need for you to do this alone,” he said. “We’re here for each other. You need anything, you let me know. You need to cry, talk, vent, or just need a hug. You let me know and I’ll help you through this.”

She continued to stare at her computer in a daze as tears ran down her face.

“It’s not going to be easy, but you’re going to get through this,” Mac gently said. “You just need to communicate what you need from me. I’m not a mind reader.”

Sometimes she wished he was. It would make things a whole lot easier on her. It was a struggle for her to ask for things. He knew that when she knew that.

“Let's get you to email your author. Then I'll hold you for as long as you need and then we'll get to looking around the house,” Mac said. “You can place as much as you need in my house. I've got space.”

She nodded her head and walked over to her computer. She knew for certain that she was going to need her computer and book where she has all her information. Janie was going to needEleanor's things as well. Some of her clothes, toys, basically everything.

Janie quickly sent an email to her authors explaining that she was going to be out for a couple of days as she moved. Later on she would tell them the whole scenario. While she was paid by them, Janie was also great friends with them. They had a group chat together where they talked about everything and anything. It was nice.

“Come on,” Mac said. “Let me hold both of you for a couple of minutes. Then we can get started on everything.”

She nodded her head and walked over towards him. She loved the feeling of his arms being wrapped around her. It made her feel safe and comfortable. Like she could do anything in the world with him right next to her. And that worried her.



It had been two days since Janie got told that she had to move out of the house. It had been tough to watch her go through that. Mac wanted to relieve her stress but it was hard when she wouldn't talk about it. He had tried asking questions to help but she gave vague answers.

Mac knew at some point she was going to break down. He didn't know when but he did know he was going to be there for her. He was going to be there for her at any point as long as she said it was okay. Mac didn't like that she was hiding her emotion from him. She always said that she was okay but he knew it wasn't true.

She must be feeling so many different emotions and it wasn't healthy for her not to process them. At some point she was going to explode and let them all out. What if he wasn't there for her? What if she decided she was going to break down when he went back to work?

He had called out of work for the next couple of days. He was going to work partially online at home but he was focused on Janie and Eleanor. The past two days he hadn't since he was helping Janie pack some of her things and move them into his house. All the guys at work understood once he explained thesituation. Several of them said that they would go after her ex-husband if they needed to.

Mac wanted to figure out who her lawyer was before. How could he not have told Janie about the house being in her ex-husband's name? It should have been one of the first things the lawyer said to her. Why hadn’t her ex-husband told her to move out? Wouldn't he want to stay in his house?

There were so many things going on in his mind and none of it was making sense. Maybe her ex-husband had an ulterior motive. Maybe he wanted her to feel comfortable and like he was helping her to get her back. He had come over the other day and Mac didn't like that.

But Mac wasn't going to dwell on that. Right now he needed to focus on Janie and Eleanor. He needed to show them that he was going to be in their lives and wasn't going to go anywhere. That Janie could live with him forever, both of them could. That was what he wanted. Now it was just convincing Janie that she belonged with him, that both of them did.

He wanted to show them that he could help relieve stress, make their lives amazing, be there for them, and so much more. He wanted to be there for them and it was only a matter of showing them that. Mac thought that he had been doing a good job of that but maybe he hadn't.

“Uppies,” Eleanor said as she made grabby hands at him.

He smiled and picked her up. It had been an amazing two days having them at his house. Janie had decided the first day that they were going to stay at his house so Eleanor could get used to it. Eleanor didn't have a problem at all adjusting to a new house. Probably due to her younger age. Janie, though, seemed to be struggling a little bit and he wanted to help her out with that.