"Hi," Janie whispered as she looked at her daughter. Eleanor looked up at her with a great big smile.


Janie sat down on the ground with Eleanor in her lap. She snuggled into her and she relished these moments. Who knew when Eleanor wouldn't want any more snuggles. Janie wasn't prepared for that day. She hoped it never came.

"Eleanor," Janie said. She looked up at her. "Mac is a good man."

Eleanor just looked at her.

"Mac," Janie pointed towards his house. "Good man." She hoped if she took anything out of it that she would know that she could trust Mac. Eleanor was so young, two years old, but she wanted her to know she could trust someone else besides herself and her sister.

"Macie!" She yelled.

Janie sighed. There was no getting Eleanor to not call him that. She had stuck with it. Janie felt bad for Mac, but he told her it was fine.

Part of her thought he was just saying that, but at the same time, yesterday she could see the sincerity in his eyes. He meant what he said.

Would he still mean it when Eleanor called him that in front of his friends or other people? Janie had no clue and part of her was nervous to find out.

She heard his car come down the road before she could see it. The engine was loud or maybe she was just in tune with him driving his car.

She couldn't lie and say she didn't watch him from her window every day coming home and getting out of his car.

That would be stalkerish.

But she did it. She knew what his car sounded like and waited for him to come home every day. She knew she shouldn't do that because she couldn't get involved with him. But she couldn't help herself.

His black sedan came down the road at a slow pace. It was like he knew they were going to be outside playing right now. Like he was being mindful of her daughter.

Was he? She couldn't remember how fast he normally came down the road.

Eleanor got off of her lap and ran around the yard, yelling and screaming as she leaped in the air. Janie was happy she was getting it out now. She would definitely be tired and sleep well tonight.

Or she hoped.

Janie watched her daughter but out of the corner of her eye, she could see Mac getting out of his car. Everything about him turned her on. The way he spoke to her, his body, the Daddy inside of him, his personality, protectiveness, just everything. There was nothing he could do that would turn her off. The way he interacted with her daughter yesterday, like she was the most important thing in the world melted her heart and turned her on.

"Mama!" Eleanor yelled as she ran towards her.

Janie opened her arms and braced herself for the impact of her running two year old.

"Oomph," Janie made a noise as her back connected with the ground. Her daughter could knock her down easily when she ran. Was Janie getting weaker with every day? Should she start to workout so she could do things? Was this normal for a mother of a two-year-old?

Janie wished she could ask her mother, but she couldn't. She had died a year after she graduated high school and her dad soon followed. They never got to meet her ex-husband,probably for the best, but they didn't get the chance to meet their granddaughter.

Their precious granddaughter.

It hurt knowing everyday they wouldn't get to see her grow up. It hurt Janie knowing she couldn't go to her dad or mom about anything.

She was alone.

Well, besides her sister. But she lived thirty minutes away and had a family. Janie couldn't always bother her with things. While they were close, they both respected each other and their time.

"How are my beautiful girls doing today?" Mac asked as he walked closer.

Janie noticed him using his beautiful girls. When did they become his?

"Are you okay, Janie?" Mac asked. "Took quite a fall there."