She rolled her eyes, but she knew he was telling the truth. Sometimes when she edited, she had candy right next to her and she subconsciously ate it. Janie had made herself sick several times doing that. It was no fun.
“Come sit down next to me,” he said, patting the spot next to him on the couch. Janie sat down next to him. What did he want? Why did he ask her to sit next to him? “Do you need anything?” he gently asked.
“No,” she whispered.
Mac gave her a look that made her squirm on the couch. “Tell Daddy what you need.”
Janie stopped moving and looked at him. Did he really just say that? “You aren’t my Daddy. I don’t need one.” That was a big fat lie, but it was easier to say that than give in to everything. He ran his hand up and down her back which soothed her.
“I think that’s a lie,” he softly spoke. “And we both know it. You need the structure, love, discipline, and care.”
He wasn’t wrong on that part. She had all of that when she was growing up and thrived, but when her parents died, she didn’t have that any more.
“Do you need me to cook several meals for you two while Eleanor and you recover from the sickness? And while you catch up on some of your work,” Mac said.
While it was sweet of him to offer that, she didn’t know if she should allow him to do that. She had said she was going to stay away from Mac and look at how that was turning out.
Not well.
It was like she couldn’t stay away from him, no matter how hard she tried to. He always found a way to come back into their lives and help out.
“No, you don’t need to do that,” she replied. It was better for her to say no so he didn’t come over.
“Do you have anything in your fridge or freezer?” he asked and she shook her head.
She couldn’t lie to him in this instance. If she did, he would know soon enough. She needed to go to the store to buy several frozen meal things for Eleanor and her.
“I’ll buy some things and cook for you today. I’ll bring them over first thing tomorrow,” he said. “What do both of you like to eat? Besides chicken nuggets.”
“You really don’t have to do this,” Janie replied. “I can get people to deliver things from restaurants.” Sure, it would be more expensive than going in person, but that didn’t matter. She had money and could spend it on that.
“I want to do this for you and I’m going to. I don’t want you two eating frozen meals all the time when I can help you out with it. I love cooking and I don’t do it much anymore,” he said. “Cooking for one person isn’t as much fun.”
Janie sighed. “You’re not going to give this up until I tell you what we both like, are you?”
He gave her a smile that melted her insides. “You’re exactly right. I know you both like chicken nuggets and mac n cheese. Do you guys like lasagna, spaghetti, pizza, breadcrumb chicken?”
Her mouth started to salivate as he talked about all of those foods. They sounded absolutely delicious. Better than anything Eleanor or her had in a long time.
“Those sound good to me and I know Ell will eat it,” Janie said.
“Is there anything else?”
“Chicken alfredo?”
“I can do that. If there is anything else, you text me and I’ll make it. Doesn’t have to be now. It could be in a week or a month and I’ll still make it for you.”
She nodded her head. Was she going to do that? Probably not. It would be weird to tell him what they wanted and he cooked it for them. It was like he was her own personal cook but she didn’t pay him. And that didn’t sit well with her at all.
“Do you guys have any allergies?” he asked.
“Okay. If you need anything else, just text me. I’m going to go run out to the store real quick and then will be cooking,” he said as he got up from the couch. “I’ll be checking in on you two from time to time.”
“Okay.” Janie didn’t know what else to say to him. He wasn't going to stop from cooking her meals if she asked. He had set his mind on it and he was going to do it.
Just like he had set his sights on her and wasn’t backing off. No matter how much she tried to tell him that she was no good for him or even prove it by actions.