Stop messaging me. I don’t want to talk to you or get back with you.
Tough luck. We’re going to get back together. But first you need to get rid of the kid. Put her up for adoption or better yet, throw her out of the house.
Janie started to sob as she read what he texted. How could he be so cruel?
Stay away from the neighbor too. You’re no good to him. He just wants to use you and then throw you away. That’s all you’re good for.
But I’ll take you back. Be the man of the house. Use you when I want and how I want. Maybe this time I won’t cheat. Unless you get pregnant again.
Better yet. We could get everything removed so you have no chance of getting pregnant again.
Janie screwed her eyes shut and cried. Mac didn’t deserve someone who had baggage and a child. He deserved someone who made him happy, cooked, didn’t have personal problems, or a child. She needed to stay away from him so he could find that person. It definitely wasn’t her which meant she needed to step back.
“Mama,” Eleanor said as she walked into the kitchen.
She came right up to Janie and touched her face where the tears were coming down. Janie didn’t like crying in front of Eleanor. It always put her off and she didn’t want that, not when she couldn’t understand everything that was going on.
“Mama is okay,” Janie whispered. “Mama’s just crying.”
Eleanor pushed her face into Janie’s chest and pushed her way to sit down on her lap. Janie chuckled and held onto her. There was no way she was going to get rid of her daughter. Over her dead body.
“Mama’s okay. Everything is okay,” she said as more tears went down her face.
Just thinking about giving Eleanor away made her sad and angry. She was Janie’s world. She loved her to death and wanted nothing but the best.
Her phone went off again and she cried harder. Why was Donald still texting her? Hadn’t he said enough already? She looked at her phone through her teary vision. Mac. She should have known it was him, the ringtone was different but she didn’t realize that at the moment.
Do you need anything?
She took a shaky breath in and sighed. What was she going to do? She had baggage and she didn’t deserve him. What if Donald was right and he only wanted to sleep with her? Maybe he was trying to get her comfortable with him right now so she would sleep with him.
Janie had feelings for him, she couldn’t deny that. He took care of both of them. Made her feel wanted and catered towards her Little side. But there were things holding her back. She had problems, what if he did want Eleanor in a couple of years, and so much more.
She placed her phone down on the ground and leaned her head against the cupboards. Everything was becoming overwhelming and she didn’t know what to do or how to handle it all. How was she going to get Donald to leave her alone? How was she going to get Mac to move on from her and find someone he would actually be happy with?
Her phone started to ring, but she let it go to voicemail. Mac was calling her and right now she didn’t feel like answering. The phone started going off again and she sighed. He was going to keep calling until she answered.
“Hello?” she said in a hoarse voice.
One good way to tell if she had been crying is by her voice, if you couldn’t see her. Everyone could tell when Janie cried because her face got all red and stayed that way for an hour or more. It sucked because people always knew, when she tried so hard to hide it. No cold water on her face did anything.
“Pinky, are you okay?” he asked in a caring voice.
Tears pooled in her eyes again and she held her breath. She couldn’t give away that she had been crying and was about to cry again. But sooner or later she was going to have to sniff with how runny her nose was.
“Pinky?” Mac asked. “You’re making me worried. Are you okay?”
She nodded her head.