Her eyes were trained on Eleanor as Michael got closer to her. What was wrong with her? Would Michael be able to find out? Eleanor kept crying and making grabby hands towards Janie. All Janie wanted to do was go over to Eleanor and hold her.
She brought her hand up to her mouth and started to bite her fingernails. She needed to distract herself somehow whileMichael looked over her baby. If she didn’t, she was going to go crazy.
“We’re not going to do that,” Mac whispered as he pulled her hand away from her mouth. A whine escaped her mouth and she shook her head. She needed to start doing something. Mac wrapped his arms around her and held her close to his body.
“Everything is going to be okay,” Daddy whispered.
She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down. It didn’t work as Eleanor let out an ear piercing scream which made Janie’s heart rate skyrocket.
“Please,” she begged.
“Let Michael look over her real quick. He’s almost done,” he gently said.
Her eyes opened and watched as Michael was checking her temperature and all over her body.
“Has she been vomiting?” he asked.
Janie shook her head. “N-no.”
“How was she yesterday?”
“S-she was f-f,” Janie started, but her crying was starting to affect her speaking. She was so worried about Eleanor and what was wrong with her.
“She was fussy, crying, clingy, and didn’t really want to eat anything. She was drinking liquids, and did have a little chicken noodle soup, but it wasn’t a lot,” Mac said. “Ellie didn’t feel hot at all while I was holding her.”
Michael gave Mac a look and Janie didn’t know what it was about. Was everything okay between them?
“Was she lethargic?” Michael asked.
“No. Not that I could tell. She grabbed my finger and held on tightly. Ellie moved her hands to grab the sippy cup and looked perfectly fine,” Mac replied. “She was just fussy and wouldn’t calm down. Was trying to fight sleep until I got her to bed.”
Eleanor started to cry even louder and Janie’s heart broke. She wanted to hold her and comfort her. She wanted to make everything right.
“You can hold her now,” Michael said.
Mac let go of Janie and she flew over towards Eleanor, picking her up and holding her close.
“Everything’s okay,” she whispered as she started to rock. “Mama is here.” Tears started to run down Janie’s face again. Worry was forming in her stomach as Michael waited to tell them what was wrong.
“What’s wrong with her?” Janie asked. “I need to know. Please, tell me.” Mac wrapped his arms around her and held both of them close. She could feel his warmth seeping into her skin and she relaxed a little. She didn’t realize how cold she was until she had left his embrace and him getting closer again.
“Everything is going to be okay. Let Michael talk,” Mac said
She nodded her head and looked at Michael. He didn’t look worried which should have calmed her down some, but it didn’t. She didn’t know how much longer she could take the silence.
“Michael,” Mac growled. “Stop worrying my woman. Tell us what’s wrong with our princess.”
Michael looked at both of them and gave a small smile. “From what I can tell and your answers, it’s just a stomach bug or the flu. I’m going to give you some medicine for her.”
“Is her temperature too hot? How much was it?” Janie asked.
“It was one hundred and one point five. Concerning, but nothing some medicine and lukewarm baths to try and bring her temperature down,” Michael explained things. “No super cold baths because I don’t want to shock her body. If it gets worse, I want you to take her to the ER right away.”
Janie nodded her head. She could do that. But what if she had to wake up Mac again? She really needed her car back. When was she going to get it back?
“Thank you,” Mac said. “I really appreciate you looking over Ellie at three in the morning.”
“No problem. Hopefully Little Bit doesn’t get this sick again. But if she does, I can take a look at her and tell you if she needs to go to the ER,” Michael said. “That also goes for you, Little one. If you ever feel really terrible and want a doctor to look over you, let me know. Well, let Mac know and he’ll bring you to me.”