“Are you feeling okay? Dizzy? Light headed? Nauseous?”
“No, I’m okay.” She had thought about lying, but she couldn’t take any more of that right now. She had already lied to him once and it was eating her alive inside. The guilt was building up with each passing hour.
“If that changes, let me know,” Mac said as he cupped her cheek in his hand. “Now, are you hungry for some chicken noodle soup?”
She nodded her head. “That sounds amazing.”
“I’m glad,” he gave her a smile. “Can princess here have some?”
“Yeah, she can. If you cool it down though.”
He nodded his head and pointed towards the seat. “You go sit down. I’ll dish it out and bring it over.”
Janie hesitated. Was he going to do that with Eleanor in his arms? Did he need her to take Eleanor from him?
“Do you need me to take Eleanor from you?” she softly asked. “I bet your arm is numb from holding her for so long.”
“It’s surprisingly not. Probably from all the practice I’ve had with my sister's kids. I’m fine holding her still, but if you want to hold her that’s fine,” he said.
“I’ll feed her.”
She didn’t know why she said that right then. He hadn’t asked her that question or eluded to feeding her himself. Mac was giving her the option of holding her daughter right now.
“Okay, that’s okay. I can put her in the highchair you have or she can sit on my lap as you feed her,” Mac said. “Why don’t you go sit down right now while I dish all of this out. I’ll grab you a glass of water so you can be sipping on it.”
Her face screwed up in disgust. She did not want water.
“You’re having water to drink. End of discussion. You may be getting sick and you need water in your system. If you’re a good girl, I’ll give you something else but after water.”
She lit up and nodded her head. She could do that.
“Wait,” she said. “You can’t do that. This is my own house. I’m the boss here.”
Mac snorted. “I’m the Daddy. You’re possibly getting sick and shouldn’t have a soda right now. You need water and that’s what you’ll have. If you’re a good girl, you’ll get something else after.”
Janie sighed. “Okay.”
“Go sit down. I’ll be there in a second.”
She found herself following his orders and sitting down at the counter. She had a dining room table in the other room, but she rarely used it. It was big and she never had anyone over so she always ate at the counter.
“Here’s your water,” Mac said as he sat her baby bottle in front of her. “Do you want a big girl cup instead?”
She shook her head. “This is fine.”
Janie had already drunk in front of him so she could do it again. Even if she wanted to die from embarrassment. It was weird using a baby bottle in front of him in her own house and not at the club.
“If this gets too weird or uncomfortable, you let me know. I’ll gladly give you a big girl cup but I thought you would like this one,” Mac said.
“This is okay.”
He gave her a smile and turned around, grabbing a bowl and placing it in front of her.
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” he said as he grabbed another bowl and sat down.
He was still holding Eleanor and she felt bad. Was he tired of holding her? Should she take her back?