Janie didn’t have a lot in the house. When she had mentioned she couldn’t cook, he thought maybe she would have some things just in case she needed to. She had a couple packets ofchicken noodle soup and noodles, but besides that, she didn't have much. Mostly frozen foods.
Something he didn’t like. Sure, some could be healthy but the majority of them weren’t. He wanted both of them eating good things that would fill them up. Mac was going to have to change that.
“I’m gonna help out your mama and you,” Mac said gently to Ellie. He didn’t know how much she was going to understand him, but he didn’t care. “You two are too precious for me. I want to love you guys for the rest of our lives.”
Eleanor blinked up at him and let go of the sippy cup. Mac caught it before it could hit the ground and set it in the sink.
“Such a good girl drinking all of that milk for me,” he cooed at her. “So good.”
She snuggled her head into his chest and his heart melted even more. He loved kids and couldn’t wait to have some of his own. But he was starting to consider Ellie his own. Sure, she wasn’t blood related to him but that didn’t matter. He cared for her and wanted what was best for her.
Mac knew that he couldn’t just fill that role in her life. Janie was her mother and had the ultimate say. He was just going to have to show that he cared about both of them even more. Mac had been doing that, but it was a slow process. He could see Janie warming up to him even more.
“Your mama is about to go down for a nap,” he said. “I bet she’ll throw a fit before and I’ll be stern to her. She can be a naughty sassy girl, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. But she’ll go down for her nap.”
He could tell that Ellie wasn’t really taking anything he was saying in. That didn’t bother him.
“I don’t know personally how hard it can be to be a single mother but my sister is one,” Mac said as he started to sway with her in his arms. “Your mama takes good care of you. Loves youso much, is protective and wouldn't let anything happen to you. All good qualities to have but she can be stubborn and not let anyone in. Even when they want to help.”
Ellie grabbed his finger and held onto it. She had a strong grip. She was going to be just like her mama.
“But I’m here for you two and I’m not going anywhere. You two are stuck with me for the rest of our lives. You’ll be spoiled, disciplined, and loved like you were my own daughter,” Mac gently said as his princess was starting to fall asleep. “I hope to give you siblings soon. Someone you can play with when you grow up. But if Janie doesn’t want any more kids, that’s okay. You two are enough for me.”
Mac looked up at the microwave and saw that an hour had passed since Janie went to her office to work.
“Wish me luck,” Mac said. “I’m going to need it. Your mama gets grumpy and sassy when she’s tired. So stubborn but I love that about her.” He stilled in his tracks and looked down at Ellie. “But don’t tell your mama that. She’s not ready to hear that I love her. It’s a secret between you and me.”
He continued to walk towards Janie’s office. The door was cracked open, no doubt so she could hear if anything was wrong with Ellie.
“Pinky,” he gently said as he stuck his head through the crack. “It’s time to take a nap.” He walked into the room to see her face really close to the computer screen. “Janie.”
Her head whipped over towards him. “Is something wrong?”
“No,” he softly said. “Everything is okay, but it’s time for you to take your nap now.”
Janie shook her head and Mac knew it was going to be tough to get her to take a nap. Why was she being so stubborn? She was clearly exhausted and needed her rest.
“I don’t need to take a nap,” Janie gently said as she stood up from her chair.
“You do. You have bags under your eyes and I know you’re exhausted,” Mac replied.
She shook her head once again.
“Janie, it’s not up for negotiation. If you can’t fall asleep then just lay in bed for the hour to rest. Don’t worry about anything and just rest,” Mac said. “It’ll be good for you and I’ll take care of Ellie here. We’ll be making chicken noodle soup and cuddling.”
He looked down at Ellie in his arms. She was still holding onto his hand, staring up at him. Every once in a while she would whine and Mac would gently coo at her to calm down. Being icky never felt good.
“I don’t need one,” Janie whined.
“Are you going to throw a tantrum?” he asked, raising his eyebrow.
Her mouth shut and Mac did everything in him not to smile. She was about to throw a tantrum which meant she probably needed to go get some sleep.
“Come on,” Mac gently said. “I’ll come tuck you in.”
Intrigue filled her face. Had she ever been tucked in since she was little? Was she ever tucked in when she was a little kid?
“I d-don’t,” she started to say.