“I’ve got my eye on someone. I haven’t made any move to get to know her yet. I’ve only seen her working behind the counter when I walk by the store.”

“Ooo are you stalking her?” Mac asked.

“No, I’m not. It’s my normal route with Dane.”

Dane was Marco’s highly trained dog that he had for the past two years. He had been working with him since he was a pup. He wasn’t certified in anything, but he could help people through panic attacks or alert someone if something wasn’t right. Smart dog.

“You normally change your route with Dane,” Mac said. “Don’t like to keep things the same for too long.”

“Yeah, well Dane really likes this route.”

“You mean you really like the route and don’t want to change things.”

Marco glared at him and got up from his seat. “I need to go talk to the twins about security cameras before they leave for the day. Ever since Hedda moved in, they’ve been here less and less.”

“Just wait until you have the special person at home. You’ll be wanting to head home just like they are.”

Marco was going to eat his words when he got his special lady.

“Sure,” Marco said sarcastically. “I’ll give you the numbers after I talk to them and figure out how much it’s going to cost.”

“No rush. I’ll let everyone know the sheet will be sent in the next day or two,” Mac replied.

Marco nodded his head and walked out of his office.

Mac relaxed in his chair and closed his eyes, sighing. It had been a day since he had told Janie she wasn’t getting a rentalcar. Was that a mistake? He hadn’t heard from her and he was worried he pushed it too far. Maybe he should show up and tell her that he’ll get her one.

He opened his eyes and turned on his computer. He needed to get his mind back on work. Mac had to send out the email to all the owners that they weren’t going to be getting what they could spend for another day or two.

Mac quickly typed up the email, giving a reason, before sending it to all of them. They would all understand and he wasn’t stressing about it. Nothing was a pressing manner, which made it nice.

He was about to open another document to start working on when his phone started to ring. Picking it up, he realized Janie was calling him. Was something wrong?

“Hello?” he said as he answered the phone. “Is anything wrong?”

“Nothing like an emergency,” she replied. “But I do need to go to a doctor's appointment for Eleanor.”

“Is she okay? Fever? Chills? Sick?” Mac asked as worry flooded his voice.

He had already turned off his computer and was heading out his office door.

“No, nothing like that. She just needs a regular checkup and it happens to be today,” Janie replied. “It’s in an hour but I thought I could call you now so you could make your way here. Unless, you can’t anymore and I need to take an Uber.”

“I’ll be there in fifteen minutes,” Mac said.



Janie was pacing back and forth in her living room. Eleanor was playing on the other side of the room, oblivious to what was going on. Did she make a mistake when she called Mac? She needed to get Eleanor to this doctor's appointment.

Maybe she should have called her sister. Though, if she was to do that she should have called a while ago so Joann could make her way down. Janie’s hands flew up to her face and she rubbed it.

There were so many things going through her mind. She didn’t like not having a car to go and do what she needed to. She didn’t want to bother Mac with little things, but he had told her to. He made sure to explain that he would come and help for even the little things. But she didn’t want to take advantage of that.

Janie sighed as her phone went off. Was that Mac telling her he couldn’t come any more? She pulled out her phone and frowned. Why was Donald texting her?
