Mac pulled Eleanor into his arms and held her close to him.
“Well, this was a surprise,” Joann said. “I’ve got to run and feed the kids, but Eleanor was an angel today. Thank you for letting me take her out.”
“Thank you,” Janie replied. It had given her a couple of hours to do things around the house while Eleanor was out. Clean everything that would be getting dirty again.
Joann took a step back before stopping. “I never followed up on what happened to your car. It’s not out in the driveway. Do you need anything?”
“I have everything under control with her car. It’s currently with the mechanic and she’ll be riding with me if she needs to go anywhere,” Mac said before Janie could respond.
Her sister’s eyebrows went up and she looked over at Janie.
“Keep him,” she said and turned around. “I’ve got to go.”
Janie’s mouth was open as she watched her sister leave. Did she just say that? Where did that come from? Mac chuckled and closed the door.
“Macie!” Eleanor squealed again.
Her heart melted. Eleanor had gotten so attached to Mac in such a short time. What was she going to tell Eleanor if things ended badly and she begged for him? It was going to break both of their hearts.
“I need to get things done,” Janie said as she took a step towards him. She needed to get Eleanor out of his arms.
“It’s okay. I’ll leave you be, but I’ll be checking in on you,” he replied and handed Eleanor up. “Bye, princess.”
Mac kissed both of their foreheads and opened the door. “Lock the door behind me. And also, if you need to go anywhere, call me.”
Mac had texted Janie to let her know he was going into work but if she needed anything, to call him. He had meant every word he said to her and he hoped she believed him. He would do anything for her.
Well, within reason. If she wanted to eat only candy for dinner, that was going to be a no. She needed something that would fuel her body, not send her into a sugar high and fall asleep. Candy wasn’t a problem, but if it started to substitute for eating meals, then it became a problem.
“Hey, can I talk to you about money?” Marco asked as he walked into the office. “If it’s a bad time, I can come later.”
Mac shook his head. “Right now is great.” He needed to stop daydreaming about Janie and Eleanor.
His heart had beated faster when Eleanor wanted to be held the other day when she came home. Eleanor was starting to get more comfortable around him and he was there for it. He didn’t want her to be scared of him or hesitant to do anything.
“If right now isn’t good, I can come back later. It isn’t super pressing,” Marco said.
“No, I’ve got nothing going on right now,” Mac said. “What did you need to talk about?”
Marco walked further into his office and sat down in front of his desk.
“I wanted to talk about security and money going towards that. I don’t know how much is in the budget,” Marco said.
“Sorry about that. I was going to send it out today, but talk to me about what you’re thinking,” Mac said.
It had been on his to do list for a week now. Figuring out how much money should go towards each little department or what they needed within the club was hard. Everyone needed something and they needed to figure out what was super important and what could wait until they had the money for it.
They had the money for the majority of what needed to be done. The club was doing well and business was booming even further. They were going to be opening up a club in Virginia soon and they couldn’t wait for that.
“I was thinking that we could reinforce the back door to the employees room. Maybe change the door or put more locks on it so it isn’t as easy to get into,” Marco said. “I would also like to upgrade and add a few more cameras in the club. We’ve got a couple blindspots and I would like to fix that.”
Mac nodded his head. Those were all super important things. Especially since Sofia had gotten hurt in the club. That had put everyone on edge, but they had gotten rid of Lucy. They were slowly reassuring everyone that nothing like that was going to happen again. Extra screening was already implemented if someone wanted to join the club or even work for them.
“Okay, I agree with you on those things,” Mac said. “Do you know how much it’s going to cost?”