“Janie? Are you okay?” he asked.
She looked away from him. She couldn’t look into his eyes. Once she did, she knew she was going to answer his question. There was no doubt about that.
She didn’t want to ask him to come over and do things. It was weird and she didn’t want to take advantage of him. Janie didn’t want to burden him with things. It wasn't his responsibility. She needed to be an adult and figure things out on her own.
Just like her car. She was way out of depth on that one and yet he was taking care of it. Janie hadn’t fought about it because she didn’t know where to start. Donald had taken care of everything related to the cars and she didn’t know who he used.
What if she had picked someone and they ripped her off? How would she know they ripped her off? How would she know if the mechanic was good or not? It was so much to take in and she didn’t know if she had the mental capacity right now to do it.
“Can you give me the phone number to the mechanic?” Janie asked, not answering his question. “I’ll call them when I get home for them to tow my car.” Maybe that was one way she could do it. If he gave her the number, the mechanic was reliable. Mac wouldn’t use someone who ripped him off.
“I said I would be taking care of it,” Mac said. “Let me do this for you. Don’t worry about it.”
Her shoulders squared back. How was she going to be able not to worry about it? It was her only way of transportation.
Well, that was a lie. She could take an Uber but Mac had banned her from taking those. Janie didn't know why she was going to follow what he said, especially since he wasn’t her Dom or Daddy, but she had already set her mind to it.
Now that left several things she needed to figure out. How was she going to go to the club if Mac didn’t take her? How was she going to get to the grocery store when she didn’t have her car? Janie started to fidget in her seat even more, stressing about everything.
“Janie,” Mac said. “Listen to my voice. You’re okay.” Her eyes met his and he gave her a smile.
“You’re okay. Just breathe for me.” She took in a slow breath and let it out.
“Good girl.” She blushed and looked away.
“Now, do you want to tell me if there is anything that needs to be fixed in the house?” he asked.
“I already answered that question.”
“It was more of a question when you answered, almost like you were lying to me.” She clamped her mouth shut. She had kind of lied to him about it.
“Please?” he asked.
“You’re not going to let it go until I tell you, are you?”
“Nope,” he gave her a smile. “I’m not.” Janie sighed. Of course he wouldn’t give it up. He was stubborn.
“There’s something wrong with my garbage disposal in my sink,” Janie said. “I think there is just something stuck in there, but I didn’t want to stuck my hand in there and it get ground up.”
He opened his mouth, but she placed her hand over his mouth.
“I know it can’t because it’s not on, but have you ever seen those horror movies of it coming on?” she asked. “I don’t want that to happen to me.”
Mac gently pulled her hand away from his mouth.
“Have you called anyone?” he asked.
“No, I haven’t. I was going to last week, but I forgot,” she replied. “But I’m going to call someone today about it. I really need to get it fixed. Not that I use it much, but it’s nice to have every once in a while.”
“Don’t call anyone. I’ll come over after we get ice cream and see if I can fix it.”
She shook her head. He wasn’t going to do that.
“Nope,” she said. “I’m going to call someone about it. Hopefully they can come out tomorrow or the next day.”
“I’m doing this. Free of charge. I want to help out so let me.”
Janie huffed out a breath. He wasn’t going to let this go and she wasn’t fast enough to get out of the car and into her house before he came. He was way faster than she was and stronger.