"Age doesn't matter."

She glared at him and he gave her a sweet smile as he shut the door. If he did get her a booster seat, there was no way she was going to sit in it. She was an adult.

Mac got into his car and turned it on, pulling out of the parking lot.

"You're going to like this place. It's not too far from here," Mac said. Mac wasn't lying when he said it wasn't far from the supermarket. They made it there really fast.

"You can let me know what you want. I'll go order and pay for it. Then we can go back to our houses," Janie said. She knew it was a stretch, but she didn't really want to sit in there with him. Okay, that was a lie. She did, but that was one sure way of her getting attached to him.

Mac shook his head when she looked at him.

"Nope," he replied. "We're going in and sitting down."

"We really don't need to. I don't want to waste any more of your time," Janie said. "I bet you have things to do at your house."

"I don't. I want to spend time with you." She stared at him. Was he really telling the truth or was he just saying it to make her feel better?

"I really can just go in and get the food," she said.

Mac grabbed her chin. "I wouldn't lie to you. I don't just say things just to say them. I mean them. We're going to go in and sit down," he said. "We'll order whatever we want and I'm paying. There's no negotiation." Her mouth fell open. Mac leaned forward and kissed her forehead. She melted into his touch.

"Wait in the car until I come around and open your door," Mac said.



Mac walked around the car. Janie didn't know what to think right now. She was turned on that he was taking charge. But at the same time, she knew that if he continued to do this, she was going to fall hard.

"Ready?" he asked. He held out his hand and she grabbed it. Mac helped her out of the car and placed his hand on the small of her back.

"Definitely getting you a booster seat," he mumbled. "or maybe I'll get you a baby seat for adults so you're secure and nothing can happen."

"I don't need it," she said.

"I think you do," he said.

Janie glared at him and stomped her foot. "No. I don't!"

Mac raised his eyebrow. "Are you going to throw a temper tantrum?" he asked.

She continued to glare at him. Who was he to ask that question?

"No, I'm not throwing a temper tantrum," she said as she crossed her arms. How could he think she was throwing a temper tantrum?

"Well, it looks like one," he said. "Do you need a spanking or are you going to behave?"

She took a deep breath and blew it out.

"I don't need a spanking," she replied.

"You sure?" he asked. "Sometimes people need spankings to let all their emotions out. Especially Littles."

Her eyes narrowed at him. She did not need a spanking.

"Yes, I'm sure. I'm one hundred percent sure," she replied. "No spankies for me."

He gave her a smile. "Okay. Are you ready to go in and eat?" She nodded her head. Mac placed his hand on the small of her back again. When they got closer to the door, he opened the door and gave her a little push inside.